Thursday, June 22, 2017


Hey Blog world! Gosh it's been a long time.

First I would like to apologize for jumping ship! Lots has happened since the last time we spoke. I wont bore you with the details. Just know that I am starting a new chapter in my life and I want you to tag along!

Part of my new chapter is buying a house. Geez, don't even get me started on how complicated that has been! So I am playing the waiting game. If there is one thing that is for certain I am not a patient person. Understanding, sure. But patient? No way.

Well I am staying with my folks for the time being and I am so grateful that they are tolerating me right now. I only have one complaint. I am very bored. I didn't realize how much my stuff meant to me until I locked it away in a storage shed. So while it sits there I sit around and do nothing.

While I wait I apparently started collecting funiture for my new house. Free is awesome. However sometimes free isn't exactly what you pictured. So. What you do is make it what you pictured. :) Now for the fun part.

Having all this time and projects I decided to get started on my new stuff. Making it *Me* if you will. Of course all my crafting stuff is locked up with the rest of my belongings and I can't spend a lot of money right now so we are doing this on the cheap.

Here it is my first project after over a year of hiding..... wait for it....wait for it...DON'T you dare scroll past this part. Enjoy the waiting. It will be worth it...That's what they keep telling me!

Ok I wont make you wait anymore.....

About a month later, HAHA I bet you are confused. here let me un-confuse you. See I tried doing this blog on my laptop then I remembered why I didn't do it with my laptop. It was difficult... SO here I am finally in my new house with my computer set up in my new office. Now we can talk projects!

Were you expecting something so colorful? I bet not. But this is my "I am Casey, hear me roar" Piece. I wanted something crazy for my house. Colorful, bright, and happy. I think I succeeded. So I know this blog probably wont look like my other posts but it I guess its not like riding a bike. That and my computer is acting a little slow tonight. I promise I will get back to normal soon. I have lots of projects lined up. New house, new furniture. The ideas are endless!!!

Back to this project, I know I am all over the place tonight. So this is what the coffee table looked like before I colored it up.


Now I am sure a lot of you will probably say "oh I liked it more natural." Well then this is not the place for you!

As you know most of my projects I have good intentions of showing you step by step on what I did but you also know I get carried away. So I will try to tell you what i did.... also from memory about a month ago. HAHA.

So first, I got the table. My Aunt donated it to my new house furniture. Along with some paints and brushes. I mean with all the materials I needed how could I not start this project?

However I did get some new acrylic paints for the primary colors (green and blue)

I found this brand at Walmart and the size was perfect for what I was using it for. So along with some random other colors I got to work.

I sanded the table down a little bit and started painting...

I am constantly reminded of the fact that I hate painting. It takes forever and I mess up a lot.

Of course the first coat wasn't very reassuring. using these paints was kind of risky. I wasn't sure what to expect. It took a lot more coats than I thought it would. Especially the bars. I am not sure how many coats I ended up doing, but I know that coral/orange color...was the worst! I eventually painted with the gray (It sort of looks white in the pictures) then the coral. That seemed to work a little bit better.

I painted the top completely green first. After letting it dry over night My mom helped me with the tape so I could get the middle part a different color.

I painted the inside of the tape a light blue color and let that dry.

So once I got finished painting all the boring parts... on to the stencils. And... let me tell you... stencils are not Casey Approved! However I feel like since this was my first time attempting stencils I did a pretty okish job.

Had my mom help me find the center. I have never been good at that... :D

Because I have never done stencils before my mom and I thought it would be a good idea to use pencil first and trace it out. Maybe for normal people this would work out well. For me however it was kind of a pain. I write kind of silly and I ended up smudging the pencil up a lot. Lucky for me it washed off in the end.

You can kind of tell in this picture where it was all smudged.

After I growled and stomped around because I smudged it all over the place I started painting the flowers.

Evil...little... stupid flowers.

Taking the tape off was oddly satisfying.

I am happy with how it turned out. I still have to put some sort of top coat on it to protect it from things but for now if you must know, cheap bathroom cleaner does not strip the paint. In case you were wondering!

I really wish I kept better notes on this project. Next time will be more normal I promise.

This project was a Casey Original and.....