Thursday, March 26, 2015

DIY Wine Bottle Craft

Hello Blog world! 
So what do you do with your wine bottles once you are done with the wine? Throw them out? Maybe recycle them? How about make gifts out of them?
Well I did't make a gift out of mine but I did use it to show you what you could do with it. 

I really wanted to try to "cut" the wine bottle. With some supervision but after talking it over with my mom we decided not to attempt it. 
I am not saying * You * shouldn't try it. I am just very clumsy and I am just finally starting to heal after a horrible cooking accident. Lets just say I am not allowed to cook with oil anymore. The cutting of the bottle involved: Fire, nail polish remover and ice. Now anything with fire...not a good idea for Casey to attempt. So I hope you don't mind my very easy and safe wine bottle.
So back to my project.

This is a good project for any left over scraps of paper you have. I really like this scrap book paper with the vintage looking ads on it. I thought it worked really well with this project. 

This was really simple. 

Wine bottle
Mod podge
Scrap book paper

First you drink the wine. If you don't drink wine, I am sure you have a friend that does. Every one has at least one wino they know! 
If you are the wino please craft responsibly :P

Wash out the wine bottle and peel off all the labels. I knew I was going to cover this bottle I wasn't to worried about getting the label off completely. If your project requires to get the label off completely I would recommend using Goo Be Gone. If you don't have any, go on pinterest. I can guarantee you will find a home remedy for that. 

I did a little at a time and just cut scraps and Mod Podge them on. One I covered the whole bottle I put a layer of Mod Podge over the pictures. 

This just in:
I am adding this after I published so we shall see if this works. 
I did overlap some of the pictures. Which the whole collage thing always bugged me by the way. I used the bigger pictures around the base before the bottle curved up to the neck. I used smaller picture around the neck to prevent wrinkles. 

I didn't take pictures during the application process. I am not the cleanest crafter by the end of it I have more Mod Podge on my hands than I care to admit. So instead of ruining my camera just use your imagination!

 Its taking me an hour to get these pictures on here. Sometimes I feel like a computer genius other days I don't. 

But any ways you get the idea! 
I think it looks pretty cool. Its a nice decorative piece. And you can customize it to whatever pictures you have or want. I just had these scraps so I used them. 

Its a cheap project and its "green" 

I hope to have a better project for you coming up soon. I just have been busy lately. 
I have a niece coming soon and I was working on her present. 
I am also working on two different books. 
AND helping my brother get his business on the web. Keep a look out for that ;P

Can't wait to show you what else I am working on. You will always know that with every little project I do have a big project up my sleeve muhahaha. 

So this project was:

Total cost was... well I think nothing since I had all the stuff already. If you want to count the cost of the wine bottle than that's your choice. I choose free :)

I will see you next week. I would like to see 100 likes soon! So if you haven't go to my facebook page and click like.

If you have any ideas for me post them in the comments. 

Share with a friend! Help my little blog grow!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

DIY Trinket Box Makeover

Hello Blog World!
How is everyone feeling today? Me pretty good. Its Thursday so you know what that means! Its easy dinner night! Ha-ha. You thought I was going to say Blog day. Which you wouldn't be wrong. 
Today's project was silly but it turned out a lot better than I thought. The title might be confusing so let me share the picture so you can understand what I am talking about.

To truly get still what I am talking about here is the before picture

Does any one remember these? I use to have one when I was a kid I use to put my hair ties in it. Well I saw this one at a yard sale and first thought. Ew. What would I do with this. But of course for 1.00 I couldn't pass it up. (It still had the tag on it from TJ Max. It was 7.00)
When my brother gave me some scrap book papers and such I got an idea. 
In the boxes of scrap book papers I received I noticed a lot of Mickey Mouse stuff. Now one person comes to mind when I see Mickey Mouse stuff. My sister. So I decided to transform this floral failure into a Mickey masterpiece. 

The supplies used:
Spray paint (Are you surprised?)
Scrap Book paper
Mod Podge
 Mickey brads (See pic below)

 first after taking the original knobs off I spray painted it black. I used the cheap stuff this time. The box is made out of cardboard so it sticks really well. 

Wait for it to dry. If you are impatient like me this is the part where you find something else to do. Like unload the dishwasher. Put a load of laundry in. Multitasking is my best friend when I am to impatient too wait. 
Once its dry measure out the pieces of paper. I just used the actual box to measure it. The choice is yours. 
I did the outsides first. They overhang a little bit here but I trimmed them up.
Next I cut out some paper to put inside. 

I let it dry before putting the Mickey brad in (I'm going to insert here my confusion on why they are called brads. Any ideas?)
Once it was dried I just poked through with the sharp edge of the brad and closed it up. 

There you have it. Now I don't expect any one to go out and buy one of these trinket boxes to redo them. The point is...Just because you don't like how something looks originally doesn't mean you can't change it.
Although some one might like the floral design.

I did not. 

I actually found instructions on how to make these out of card stock. If that is something you would like to see please let me know! 

That might be a Don't in my book...

This project was 
And a Casey Original! 

Total this project cost me 1.00 to do. The expense gets better once I get more stuff. 
Of course where I put the stuff...that's another problem entirely. 

This is the part where I think every one skips...DON'T!

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Have a project you would like to share? Let me know! I would love to see some one attempt one of these. 

Help my little blog grow. SHARE!

Thanks guys, see ya next time!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

DIY Mini Bird Bath

Hello Blog World!

Today's post is about a project my friend asked me to do for her. It turned out to be her birthday present but either way she was thrilled. It was simple and I plan on doing one for myself. I am already going to warn you now though that I don't have a lot of pictures of this project because ITS SO EASY. That and I got delete happy on my camera. Ha-Ha. Any who. So Back to the project, my friend saw this somewhere and I thought it was a great idea. Its warming up in some states, here in Florida its hot. The birds were already here but they will be heading back up north soon, No I am not referring to the snow birds just the regular birds. So instead of buying an expensive plan bird bath for them why don't you make you own...

Here is my Que.

See how cute this is? Its so simple. You can also customize to anything you want! Different sizes, different colors or if you are artistically gifted you could paint pretty pictures on it. I also want to try different stacking techniques. To do this one though the supplies I used:
-Clay pots
-Spray paint
-E600 glue

I don't think it matters what kind of spray paint you use. The bowl thing doesn't matter either. I have seen some people use the clay plates that you use underneath the pots. But I found the pretty clear bowl at Dollar General. I also it would have been safer for the birds, If I used the plate I would have wanted to paint it and I don't know if that would hurt the birds. 

I don't know what other glues you can use but I heard this was the best so I used it. I recommend letting it dry for at least 24 hours before putting it outside. 

I glued the bottoms of the pots and stacked them. 

After I stacked them I spray painted them. This way if any glue shows between the pots the paint will cover it. I painted the inside of the flower pots as well. 

There you have it a mini bird bath. 

The only thing I didn't like was I am still unsure about the bowl I used because it might be a little deep. 

If you use a bowl that size I don't recommend filling it all the way. 

If I make others I will post on my facebook page so you can see it. 
Speaking of Facebook make sure you like the page so you can get additional updates. 

My neighbor saw me painting the pots and actually gave me a little magazine showing different ideas that you can use with flower pots. With the gardening season upon us I hope to show you some more ideas. 
This project was:

If you have any ideas for me let me know!
Tell me what you think I would love some feed back. 
Share my blog to help it grow. 

See you next week!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

DIY Tray

Blog time its blog time!

I'd like to think I picked Thursday to do the blogs to make me happier that tomorrow is Friday. But honestly I don't think I was thinking that way. 
Any who, This weeks post is about my transformation of my serving tray. Why did I transform my serving tray you ask? Well, its almost spring, or if you live in Florida like I do its almost summer :). I am sorry to my northern friends I know how much the snow sucks...But back to the summer thing. You know what summer means? Eating outside. Unless you want to take 20 trips in and out of your house to get all the items you need to be able to eat out side, the most efficient way is a serving tray. So I of course looked and looked, found a few but I was just too cheap to spend the $15.00 or whatever it was. After a while honestly I forgot about the tray. Until my parents were getting ready to move. My mom had this unique dish set, the plastic kind. Really popular in Florida, as is the print on it. Flamingos. Lots of pink flamingos. Not really my style. My mom of course was getting rid of it when I snatched it up. Her words were something along the line "What are you going to do with that?" I hear that a lot lately. 

Well This is what I am going to do with it....

Now I know what you are thinking. Could it have been that bad? No, if flamingos are your sort of thing. But corny quotes is more me. 

These are the supplies used:

     -Krylon fusion spray paint

See...those flamingos are just...not me :D.

So this one is pretty easy. It doesn't look as nice as I wanted it to but the elements keep getting in my way. Spray painting out doors. Smart, Yes. Easy, No.

All you do is make sure the surface is clean. Make sure the area you are spray painting in is also clean. (My bad...) Spray paint the tray. (Remember the spray paints that are specifically for plastic work the best.)
Once its dry apply decal which you can get at the dollar tree. Walmart actually has some to for .96 cents. These peel off easily and don't harm the paint. Just in case you made a mistake like I did and need to take it off, It can be done. 

I might spray some sealer on it just to sort of keep everything in place and maybe not scratch the paint so bad when I go to use it. 

It bubbled in a few spots and after I tried fixing it I ended up making it more of a mess. I think I need to get a work table instead of using a plastic sheet on the ground. But that's another story. 

This project cost me about $6.00 to do. Not bad. Am I in love with it? Not really. I am a lot happier with it than I was with the flamingos. Even the boyfriend said "I like red trays better than flamingos." Which if I get this kind of response it usually means its a job well done. 

Maybe I should make a stamp of approval saying "Boyfriend approved." Ha-Ha!

With that being said this project was for the most part:

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Lets see if we can get to 100 likes by the end of the month!

Hope to see more of you next week! If you have any ideas or suggestions please share in the comments! I love hearing feed back. :D