Thursday, February 26, 2015

DIY Decorative Blocks

Hello Blog world!
So before we get into today's post let me start by saying....This is not cheating!!!!! That was for my mom :D. See I did this project a few weeks ago and for some reason my mom thinks I should have posted these before my cabinet...But I was so excited that I finally got the cabinet done that the blocks could wait!
While we are on this side of the page see over here >>>>>
There is a button you can click that will redirect you to my Facebook page. Just in case you were wondering. :D

When my sister was giving me stuff for my projects these weird looking blocks were with them. Now I thought my idea was going to be a 'Casey Original' but it turns out I got this idea from Pinterest...well sort of.  The original pin was just taking some wooden blocks and put scrap book paper on them and tadaaa. But I took it a step further. I made them look all antique looking. 
Remember that crackle paint I told you about a few blogs back? Well I found a cheap alternative. 

First I had these boring looking blocks. My first thought was, well just throw some paper on them and call it good. But that would require a lot more cutting and measuring than I care to do. I decided that I would just put the picture on the front and paint on the sides...Now this is the fun part of my planing when my brain goes crazy and gets all creative on me. Its nice when my brain checks in once in awhile and lets me know its still working. 
I decided that instead of just painting I would do a crackle paint since the pictures I wanted to use were vintage looking any ways. 
So on Youtube (You thought I was going to say Pinterest didn't ya.) I found some different way to make a crackle effect because of course I didn't have any crackle paint and a trip to Hobby Lobby wasn't in the cards. 

Yes Bruce is helping again. 

So how did I do it you ask? Well simple...I used glue! Just plain old 
Elmers glue that you used in school. I could have used Mod Podge as well but I wanted to find an alternative for some of the people who still don't have Mod Podge...or even scarier who don't know what it is. 

  Now try to keep up because this can get confusing. 

For the paint you start with the paint that you want to see through the cracks. 
So for the first one I did a maroon box with yellow crackle. The first paint I used was the yellow. (it was a pale yellow by the way)
Doesn't look like I painted it but trust me I did. Using a painters palette I poured some Elmers glue in it. Using a paint brush I applied it to the box. You don't want to cover the space completely just enough to get the effect. I couldn't really show you on this box but on the other...
This is the idea I am going for. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be in any sort of pattern. 
If you want a thicker crackle look do more glue. If you want a subtle look do less. Its that simple. IMPORTANT! Do not let the glue dry. As soon as I put on the glue I let it dry for only a second. I instantly painted over the glue with the primary color I was going to use. In the first boxes case it was the maroon.  
This is what the first box looked like after it dried. 

Once it dried I Mod Podge the pictures on the box. 
Simple yet pretty cool looking!
So here are what the boxes look like individually.

Now you have antique looking boxes.  I don't know if this type of decoration exists anywhere to buy. But for an estimated price I would guess based on size of the boxes this 'decoration' could have cost between 40-60 dollars. Again that is a complete estimation. I am using some of the decorative trunks I have seen and dropping the price a tad. But my cost was very little. Since now that I am getting a collection of supplies I am not having to run to the store each time I do a project. 

Wooden Boxes- For me free...
Not sure where you would even find these though... :)
Scrap Book pages- Book 5.00 (walmart)
Paints- .50
Paint Brush- Honestly can't remember already have them.
Glue...How much does glue even cost? Ha-ha

Anyways you get my point. This was cheap to do! 

Now my mom has a cool decoration that matches her 'Flea Market' wall. And I found a crackle paint alternative!
Win, Win.

This project was:

Any ideas for me? Go to my facebook page. While you are there remember to like the page! If you loved it and want to help my little blog grow share it! 
I want to thank all of the people that are getting me this far! I do appreciate it! Its nice to know I have fans. :)

See you next time!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

D.I.Y Cabinet Part 2

Hello blog world! Its a cold Thursday here in Florida...I know the northerner folks will love seeing me put that! But I actually had to wear a sweater today! Can  you believe it? I am just teasing. It was unusually cold for Florida though.
Those of you who are just joining my little blog and you haven't read the introduction blog yet let me just catch you up to speed. I am what they call 'DIY challenged.' I am not an artist but I have an imagination and with the help of Pinterest I am able to attempt some DIY projects and not be a total failure. Although lately I have been sticking to crafts that are pretty much fool proof I decided to test the waters and do one slightly more advanced. Don't worry when I say advanced I am not talking about building a house or anything just something that required a little patience and some ruler. math skills.

By the way: Thanks for all the likes on my Facebook page. I managed reached 51 last I looked. I know that's not a lot but for me who is just starting out I feel like I am doing good! Keep sharing and keep liking!

Remember a few blogs back I redid a cabinet and painted it gray. Of course everyone was like oh that is nice...a little blah but nice. Well I took nice and turned it into what has been called my best project yet! I was almost worried that after posting this you would expect greatness from me all the time. But I of course couldn't let a moment to brag pass up! Not wanting to mess this project up my mom came to assist me. Its not that I couldn't do this project myself, but not having done something like this I was worried I would mess up royally.

I was so excited to show you this project I almost leaked some pictures before the blog. Before I go into what I did for the next part let me tell you what I should have done in the first place.Take the door off when spray painting. I know I know that was a rookie mistake. But I am not a patient person and whoever repainted it before me didn't take the door off either so the screws were painted over. I didn't have the patience for that. So that was my bad that my mom pointed out to me as soon as we got started. Opps.
But we managed.

Ok I can't wait anymore!
Isn't this the coolest thing you have seen done to a cabinet? 
I am so happy with how this turned out!  So if you didn't read the last blog I did here is a picture of just the spray painted cabinet

See its ok but not great. 
After a trip to Hobby Lobby I found one of the coolest posters ever. I was concerned that I would have to cut so much of it but obviously it worked out. 

The poster was 24x36...At least so the package said. It was not exactly 24 inches but we made it work. 

Now the original Pin that I got the idea from had very vague instructions. Get poster mod podge onto dresser/cabinet cut to fit. 
Well that sounds great but its not as easy as it sounds. It might be this easy if the door is flush with the frame. My door is not. If I tried that way I would have destroyed the picture. 
Which is the trouble I ran into and that's when I called mom. 
Mother always know what to do. So First thing we had to do was find the center. If it was a nice even number it would have been a lot easier of course. So what we did and of course this is different for each piece of furniture. But this is what we did, and I am not going to bore you with the exact measurements because well...I don't have the exact measurements and like I said its different for every project.
We found the center of the door 
measured the poster to find center
measure the top of the cabinet to to the end of the frame work
measure the door just the door. 
cut out door piece of poster/set aside. 
glued outer edges 

then glued the center piece.
Also we decided not to use Mod Podge but use a border wall paper paste. 

This would have been a lot easier if we could get the door off. But my mom did a flawless cutting job despite the horrible dollar tree scissors I supplied her with. We also had to trim up the edges after we pasted the poster. By we I mean my mom. I am not allowed to use razor blades... Just safer didn't really want to get blood all over my awesome cabinet. 

Now this is important. 
Once we pasted the poster to the cabinet we had to try to smooth out the bubbles. But what we were running into was the bubbles were getting worse. Tip that my wall paper expert mom taught me was, using a damp paper towel to smooth across the bubbles on the paper prevents it from tearing. 
See the yucky bubbles...this was after we smoothed it out. But we decided to stop trying to smooth and just let it dry. We left it alone for about 20 minutes and as we checked on it we noticed the left over bubbles were disappearing. Yay!

Once it dries a little we poked a hole where the door knob goes and stuck it in. This was also bought at Hobby Lobby. But if you are in need of a fancy knob Lowes actually has a variety of different kinds. I was surprised. But this one was so perfect i couldn't pass it up. 

Here are some extra pictures of my darling cat 'Helping.'
He would not let go of that stupid ruler!
Bruce was making sure the bubble were drying out. 

I was really surprised that the fatty fit under here. 
Nom Nom Nom

Seriously...Try doing crafts with cats. Its great...

So overall this was a huge success!
Supplies used:
Cabinet: Mine was free. (Thanks sister!)
Spray paint: 3.97
Boarder paste: 4.98
Poster: 12.00
Decorative Knob: 4.97
One Awesome helpful mom: Mine is not for sale. 

I really hope you enjoyed this project. I was so excited to get this done. Some suggestions for this project was to make it look more old, Which would have been cool but I didn't want to risk ruining my awesome picture. Besides it looks perfect as is. 

This DIY project was

Remember to share this blog with your crafty friends!
Have any ideas stop by my Facebook page Link is somewhere on this>>>>>side of the screen.
Make sure you Like the page when you visit! 
SHARE SHARE SHARE! Help my little blog grow!

See you next time! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

DIY Garden Mirror Orb

OH my blog! How have you been? Its been what? A week?
Did you miss me? I missed you guys too. But now I can tell you what I have been up to since I don't feel rushed or pressured.
Lets see Saturday I went yardsaling with my parents found some goodies that I will show you sometime! Also my Dad wins the best dad in the world award, he took my Mom and I to Hobby Lobby! My dad is so supportive and helpful. He even helped pick out some stuff for my big project I have been working on. Of course this project I am referring to is my Cabinet that I am just so excited to get done...I would have loved to have been able to show you what my progress was but...I need some adult supervision on this one. Razor blades are involved.

.. Its just safer for everyone if I don't try to cut things.
What else? Well my sister gave me some supplies as well. I seem to have surprised her when I told her i didn't have a hot glue gun...he-he. She took care of that for me. She also gave me the supplies for this blog. My garden decoration. Mirror Orb.
If you saw on my Facebook I posted a Pin about spray paint projects. Of course you are noticing that I seem to have a thing for spray paint, well I am not alone! So the one project that really caught my eye were the mirror balls. If you don't know what I am talking about go to my Facebook page and check it out. Like it so I know you were paying attention! :D
Now I love the gazing orbs you see in gardens. But they can be pricey. (Frugalness...its what I am all about!) so seeing the mirror orbs, of course I had to try it myself!
This project made me laugh a little bit because my biggest concern do you spray paint a round object...well if you figure it out please share! We will learn from each other.
The second part was getting the supplies. My family use to be big on the bowling scene. So finding the bowling ball wasn't going to be a problem. But for the ones who don't have an endless supply of bowling balls go to your local thrift store. The one by me has a at least 80 of them for sale. And keep your eye out at yard sales. You just never know what you will find.
So then I just needed paint. Mirror glass paint is what they used in the Pin I was talking about. Which I found at Walmart. If you want you can buy that kind...I did not. It was 9.00 for a tiny can. Half the size of a regular can of spray paint. I wasn't sure how much I would need so I thought I would play it safe and go for a cheaper can....Except that was the only kind of mirror glass paint they had. I found a metallic spray paint by Rust-oleum. I thought why not. It was only 3.97 for a normal sized can. I know how well that covers so I went with that choice. I wasn't disappointed with the results of the paint...Just my inability to spray paint a round object.
You know what a bowing ball looks like so I didn't take a picture of the bowling before. If you dont know what it looks like...go on Google now and look.
I will wait. 

Are you done?
Now that we are on the same page. 
As I was painting I noticed something that I missed and made it look silly. 

The numbers engraved in the ball. To try to fix this I put a piece of scotch tape over it and repainted it. 

So that's where this picture comes into play. You can still see the tape so I plan on doing another one of these and if I run into this problem again I will go about a different way. If you have any suggestions on what to do...Including the how to spray paint the ball thing. The other side isn't the best. Where the finger holes we will just ignore that, No one will see it anyways. 
The weather again wasn't cooperating with me very well and that has a lot to do with what the spray paint does. I know that's a lame excuse but its that's my story and I am sticking to it!
This was a great DIY project and for the upcoming spring my garden is going to look very snazzy. 
If you want to splurge and get the mirror glass paint I am sure it might look a little better. But you know me. I am to cheap I like how it looks as it is. 
The bowling ball has a few dings in it but that's to be expected for an older ball. Not complaining since it was free (Thank sis!) But it does take away from the look a little. 

So total cost for this project was $3.97 for the Rust-oleum Metallic silver spray paint.
I'm ok with that. 

This project was:
Let me know what you think. If you have any ideas please share. If you liked my blog share it. If you want to help it grow share and like my Facebook page. I want to hit 100 likes by next week. Lets see if we can do it!
See you next time!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

DIY Cabinet

Good evening Blog world. 

How is everyone doing? Good I hope. 
I am in the process of doing my project right now. and cooking dinner. So bare with me tonight!

I do want to start out by saying I am going back to once a week...I know I didn't really do just once a week but I should have stuck with my original thought. So since today is Thursday and I started on a Thursday seems like the right day to continue doing this is....Did you guess Monday? I hope not. stick with me people. So we agree Thursday is the day? Great! I knew you would understand! If you don't well send me money and will do crafts everyday all the time! But make sure you send me enough to where I can quit my job because working full time and blogging full time just isn't going to happen! I really hope no one gets mad at me...I have to look at it this way I can't please every one! Look at it this way instead of silly little crafts I can focus on good ones! 

Tonight's project is still drying. As soon as its done drying I will attempt to bring it in the house for the 6th time. Bringing it in and out every time to put a new coat of spray paint...was not fun! I am a small weakling and the cabinet is a lot heavier than I thought! I need to get a work shed...never in a million years did I think I would need a work shed but...I want one! 

Ok so now that its done drying and I got it in the house I am a tad unhappy. 

My furniture is black, I decided to paint it gray. Why I don't know. But we shall see maybe I will get use to it. 

Keep in mind this is not the finished product! 

I have other ideas to (I know I bet you are wondering how. Stay tuned!)

 Yes I am aware it has no knob yet. I AM NOT DONE! I am just showing you what i have been working on so you don't think I am slacking!
Thinking about putting a gloss coat of spray paint on it as well....Meaning I will have to take it back outside...Ugh See this is why I do this to myself, to show you that normal people don't always have flawless crafts! This is a perfect example of that. Like I said its not done yet but I am kind of not feeling the color or look of it. 

But this is what it looked like before

Some one put some work into this to make it look older. Well older just does't work in my room so I had to make it match the rest of my stuff.
Again why I went with gray...My mom told me that gray would be easier to paint over than I did what any good kid does and I listened...Look where that got me!

I'm just kidding...she knows I am kidding...Right? Hehe...should I delete that? Nah!

So I started out with a five dollar spray paint. That went on really nice. It to was also gray but it was more of a blue gray. So that was certainly not going to work in my room. 

So I bought the Krylon paint I always use, and I have made the determination that I like painting plastic better than wood. But we learn. 

I spray painted the insides...Another lesson I learned that it is not easy to spray paint the insides... 
Note to self...need to get a face mask if I am going to continue to spray paint. 

I am not showing you the insides because some point I am going to do an organizing blog where I show you how I organize my craft stuff. 
That will be fun.

My sister gave me this cabinet so this little shout out is for her...THANK YOUUUUU....Now come help me get my small tiny room situated! 

I love my little nook in my house. But it is just that..A little nook. 
So that has been a challenge trying to keep it organized but still be usable. 
So I am going to end this blog with a to be continued and for now a stamp of

Remember don't come looking for me on Tuesday! See you Thursday! If you miss me come visit me on my facebook page!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

DIY Decorative Box

Happy Blog Tuesday!
Well I say happy but what I really mean is frustration blog Tuesday!
I almost didn't want to do a blog today only for the fact that I wanted to just come home from a crazy work day and go to sleep. And after a possible fraud scare I was tuckered out! But stand by on that...

So My major project that I am working on is taking longer than I wanted it to...So hold off on that. But I am very excited for that...but I am not going to tell you what it is...See I will make you come back wanting more! 

At least that's the idea. 

So today was a lame "DIY" but for someone with more patience and time and energy it might look cool...But this is what I did. 

Tadaaaa isn't it pretty?

 Before pictures:


Yes I know its amazing!
All it was...Box. Scrap book paper...Mod Podge and a little knowledge on how to wrap a box. (which I clearly don't have)

I added the little cut out thing on the outside just because my mom gave me this little scrap book hole punch that I wanted to try it out. I really wanted to do something else with this box for my desk...But this isn't it!

This I wouldn't say was a fail but it is

But I promise once my big project is done and I get some more supplies you will be like oh-ah again. not

But these blogs dont have to be just about crafts. Some times DIY projects are not fun or worth posting about. Like DIY filing taxes. It takes time precious time. And it also takes time to try to call the IRS. 

Know all those movies you see about the robots taking over? I think its happening. I had to call 8 different numbers today only to get 8 of basically the same automated voice prompts all telling me that a representative was not available and to check online for your answer.
I am all about looking online first. Ask my co workers how often I say "Google it" Because its true I Google everything. I even Googled numbers on trying to find real people to talk to! Than when I did get real people they laughed at me. LAUGHED AT ME! rude. So once I sort of solved that problem I had another DIY project I had to do which is called making dinner for the people and the animals. Which its only Me, my boyfriend and my three fur kids. But making a meat loaf takes time.
So I apologize that this project was lame. I almost didn't post it but since I wasted time on it I figured it was worth sharing. 
If you attempt to do this project for what ever reason my only warning is thick scrap book paper is hard to work with it doesn't look right.  

Now to finish the rest of my chores and such. I will see you Thursday with hopes of a decent project. 

P.S now doing this for a month (Yay) and I am noticing that Tuesdays seem to be more popular that Thursday so as much as I like writing here I might just go back to one day a week doing the DIY projects. Give me time to put more effort in one project instead of trying to do a bunch of little easier projects. Let me know what you think either here or on my facebook page. Do you want me to continue posting on here twice a week? If so how about Tuesdays be a project blog and Thursday be a insert idea here blog.

Good night!