Thursday, February 19, 2015

D.I.Y Cabinet Part 2

Hello blog world! Its a cold Thursday here in Florida...I know the northerner folks will love seeing me put that! But I actually had to wear a sweater today! Can  you believe it? I am just teasing. It was unusually cold for Florida though.
Those of you who are just joining my little blog and you haven't read the introduction blog yet let me just catch you up to speed. I am what they call 'DIY challenged.' I am not an artist but I have an imagination and with the help of Pinterest I am able to attempt some DIY projects and not be a total failure. Although lately I have been sticking to crafts that are pretty much fool proof I decided to test the waters and do one slightly more advanced. Don't worry when I say advanced I am not talking about building a house or anything just something that required a little patience and some ruler. math skills.

By the way: Thanks for all the likes on my Facebook page. I managed reached 51 last I looked. I know that's not a lot but for me who is just starting out I feel like I am doing good! Keep sharing and keep liking!

Remember a few blogs back I redid a cabinet and painted it gray. Of course everyone was like oh that is nice...a little blah but nice. Well I took nice and turned it into what has been called my best project yet! I was almost worried that after posting this you would expect greatness from me all the time. But I of course couldn't let a moment to brag pass up! Not wanting to mess this project up my mom came to assist me. Its not that I couldn't do this project myself, but not having done something like this I was worried I would mess up royally.

I was so excited to show you this project I almost leaked some pictures before the blog. Before I go into what I did for the next part let me tell you what I should have done in the first place.Take the door off when spray painting. I know I know that was a rookie mistake. But I am not a patient person and whoever repainted it before me didn't take the door off either so the screws were painted over. I didn't have the patience for that. So that was my bad that my mom pointed out to me as soon as we got started. Opps.
But we managed.

Ok I can't wait anymore!
Isn't this the coolest thing you have seen done to a cabinet? 
I am so happy with how this turned out!  So if you didn't read the last blog I did here is a picture of just the spray painted cabinet

See its ok but not great. 
After a trip to Hobby Lobby I found one of the coolest posters ever. I was concerned that I would have to cut so much of it but obviously it worked out. 

The poster was 24x36...At least so the package said. It was not exactly 24 inches but we made it work. 

Now the original Pin that I got the idea from had very vague instructions. Get poster mod podge onto dresser/cabinet cut to fit. 
Well that sounds great but its not as easy as it sounds. It might be this easy if the door is flush with the frame. My door is not. If I tried that way I would have destroyed the picture. 
Which is the trouble I ran into and that's when I called mom. 
Mother always know what to do. So First thing we had to do was find the center. If it was a nice even number it would have been a lot easier of course. So what we did and of course this is different for each piece of furniture. But this is what we did, and I am not going to bore you with the exact measurements because well...I don't have the exact measurements and like I said its different for every project.
We found the center of the door 
measured the poster to find center
measure the top of the cabinet to to the end of the frame work
measure the door just the door. 
cut out door piece of poster/set aside. 
glued outer edges 

then glued the center piece.
Also we decided not to use Mod Podge but use a border wall paper paste. 

This would have been a lot easier if we could get the door off. But my mom did a flawless cutting job despite the horrible dollar tree scissors I supplied her with. We also had to trim up the edges after we pasted the poster. By we I mean my mom. I am not allowed to use razor blades... Just safer didn't really want to get blood all over my awesome cabinet. 

Now this is important. 
Once we pasted the poster to the cabinet we had to try to smooth out the bubbles. But what we were running into was the bubbles were getting worse. Tip that my wall paper expert mom taught me was, using a damp paper towel to smooth across the bubbles on the paper prevents it from tearing. 
See the yucky bubbles...this was after we smoothed it out. But we decided to stop trying to smooth and just let it dry. We left it alone for about 20 minutes and as we checked on it we noticed the left over bubbles were disappearing. Yay!

Once it dries a little we poked a hole where the door knob goes and stuck it in. This was also bought at Hobby Lobby. But if you are in need of a fancy knob Lowes actually has a variety of different kinds. I was surprised. But this one was so perfect i couldn't pass it up. 

Here are some extra pictures of my darling cat 'Helping.'
He would not let go of that stupid ruler!
Bruce was making sure the bubble were drying out. 

I was really surprised that the fatty fit under here. 
Nom Nom Nom

Seriously...Try doing crafts with cats. Its great...

So overall this was a huge success!
Supplies used:
Cabinet: Mine was free. (Thanks sister!)
Spray paint: 3.97
Boarder paste: 4.98
Poster: 12.00
Decorative Knob: 4.97
One Awesome helpful mom: Mine is not for sale. 

I really hope you enjoyed this project. I was so excited to get this done. Some suggestions for this project was to make it look more old, Which would have been cool but I didn't want to risk ruining my awesome picture. Besides it looks perfect as is. 

This DIY project was

Remember to share this blog with your crafty friends!
Have any ideas stop by my Facebook page Link is somewhere on this>>>>>side of the screen.
Make sure you Like the page when you visit! 
SHARE SHARE SHARE! Help my little blog grow!

See you next time! 


  1. Casey I really like your cabinet and enjoy reading your blog. I have a tip for bubbles. Poke the middle with a pin and smooth out. The bubble will disapear. Rock on!

    1. That was another suggestion my mom had. Thank you for reminding me I actually wanted to put that in my post. Thanks Dawna. :D

  2. I really like this.... yay mom for helping!!


  3. Casey that looks totally different from the last time I saw it. That is really awsome looking
