Thursday, June 25, 2015

Genie Bottles

Hello Blog World!

How is everyone doing? I hope good. 
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you just couldn't get going? Just didn't feel like doing anything. Or in my case everything you tried to do didn't get accomplished? Well...That was my week this week. 
 The good news is I got a new camera! Boy that was exhausting! So maybe when the battery is all charged up I will pretend I am a photographer and take some cool pics. :D I got a Canon powershot elph350hs. Was it the one I really wanted? No but this was a better upgrade and more Casey approved. You guys think my life is just full of Casey approved projects...You were wrong. I am a special kind of ditz. I require things that are not complicated. The camera's I was looking at required you to push a button to use the flash....Think about that for a moment. Every time you wanted to use the flash you would have to release the little flash thingy and than make sure the setting was on flash. Nope. Too much work for me! So I am pleased with my purchase. It was time. My old camera only had 4x zoom. Ew. That's silly. So now I have 12x.  And a much better Mega pixel number. I am only boring you with the specs because the boyfriend and I just spent like thirty minutes trying to decide between three cameras. My brain hurts! So I came home ready to do my blog but than I come to realize I don't have the pictures of what I was going to show you. Fail on my part. But looking through my pictures I found something I can share with you. Last week I showed you my hand soap dispenser. This week I will show you a Christmas present I made last year. Genie bottles...Say what?

I found some pins about painting glass. I did the exact opposite of what they said to do. 
It was to much work and I didn't have all the stuff I needed so I just did what I wanted and this was the result. 
I made two of these. One for my mom and one for my sister. 
Attached the card read:
Which is from my own creative mind. :D
It was just something fun and different. They loved them. You don't have to do a genie bottle but if you decide you want to paint glass this is how I did it. 
For this I used Metallic acrylic paint. 
To apply it I used a sponge brush and dabbed it all over the bottle. I did a few different coats because It didn't come out to dark at first. 
You can't really use a paint brush it just moves the paint around but not allowing it to stick. 
The sponge works a lot better.
All the pins I saw were about painting the inside. Which I don't see the benefit of that either. I would worry the paint would come off anyways after time. 
I don't recommend using this for anything you will handle a lot. Its more for decorative purposes. Washing this would probably ruin it instantly (As we learned last week)
These bottles are easy to find. 
All I am going to say is..

Thrift stores!
You know you have one in your area...Go look. Some of its junk that can be turned into treasures! 

This mindset has concerned my family. Like my brother, He has something he was just going to throw away...NOOOOOO I told him. I have an idea for it! So that's going to be my next big project! I have a few up my sleeves it just takes time because I do try to be frugal about my projects. I can get carried away with costs and I try to avoid that because well..I don't have a lot of money to spend on craft items. I have bills. 

This project was so easy I did it while watching Christmas movies. (I know who wants to think about christmast...but this was last year remember that)
These would make cute gifts and are easy to do. 
So what I am saying is...
This project is:

I hope you enjoyed the blog If not maybe wish for a better one next week :P
I am done for tonight guys I am going to play with my new camera. 

Go like my facebook page to keep tabs on me. 
Share the blog the facebook page the address whatever you want just help my little blog grow!
Ill see ya next week!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hand Soap Dispenser.

Blog world! Hey how is it going?! You doing good? I hope so. I have been doing some catch up work on my projects. 
As you know I browse pinterest a lot to get most of my ideas. Well sometimes I have all these saved up projects to try but cant until I get the supplies I need. If you have also noticed I am frugal. Lately more so because I am trying to save up for a better camera. I have been using my phone to take the pictures. I have a camera...its not any better. Anyways every one has saving goals. Some people are trying to buy a new house, get married, get a new car all the I want a camera. I try not to spend a lot on my projects because I want to show you that you don't need a ton of money to achieve your pinterest goals. Like today's project. A hand soap dispenser. I know it sounds really exciting but let me explain. I guess using the plastic disposable hand soap things you buy at the store are "tacky" looking. Who knew. But upon further research I have found that I kind of like the different types that people have made. I have seen mason jars, wine bottles, soda bottles and oil dispensers used as soap dispensers. That was a great idea! Well... naturally you want it to look pretty and some people don't like the plain glass look. Some of these are "hand painted" with really cool designs. If you don't know this about me...I am not an artist. I suck at painting unless its spray paint...then I am ok with it. But "Hand painting" is not my area of expertise. But for the blog I tried. 

First if you are still confused by what the heck I am talking about here is a picture to sum up my words. 

The soap dispenser with the sponge is not my project...That I bought at Walmart. The oil dispenser next to it is the DIY project....

I did try to "Hand paint something on it."

Using some stick on stencils I have I thought it would be smart to have on there what is inside. 

I got the oil dispenser from a friend. I decided that I was going to turn it in a soap dispenser because well... I am not allowed to cook with oil. 

OK I shouldn't say not allowed but I don't trust myself. 
After a bad burn that almost got in my eye I decided to take an oil "break" if you will. 
I still cook with little amounts off oil. Only with adult supervision and a lid for a shield. 

I have seen people etch words on bottles like this but I didn't have that kind of stuff. I had acrylic paint. Before you start yelling at me telling me that this wasn't going to work I realize this. I wanted to see what it would look like and I wanted to see if it would work. Just in case. 

Painting on glass was a little difficult. And I am not a fan of these stencils. This was what it looked like after it dried. I liked the potential and almost started painting more on it. 
But  Casey got thinking. 
Will this even work for hand soap?
I don't have homemade soap like some pinners do. I also didn't want to use it for the dish soap but I know that would have to be diluted so will regular hand soap work?

Well...Kinda. I don't recommend rushing right out and buying one of these oil thingys but if you come across one like I did it does work. Hand soap is a little to thick to go through the top but if you add some water to it, it does ok. 

The only problem is...

The letters washed off. 
I know, I know! I should have known it would. But to be honest...I didn't think it would happen after the first time!
So after wiping that all off and adding the water it works ok. If your kitchen sink doesn't have a high traffic of hand washers this is an ok solution. If you have a bunch of little aliens...I mean kids...maybe reserve this for a bathroom they don't use. 

Now I know I have some men that read my blogs. 
and I know I don't do a bunch of manly projects. 
Well..sorry but...unless it involves beer and duct tape you guys aren't really interested.
I had an opportunity to use one of those two things for this project so I thought I would include it. 

Lol. I saved this bottle because I thought it was cute. (sorry guys) The boyfriend accidentally bought the little bottles instead of the big boy bottles. But if you make the same mistake you can totally reuse one for your soap...Men do use soap right? 
Just kidding just kidding! 
Anyways the little topper thingy fit perfectly in this. And its already got the art! 
If that's not Casey approved I don't know what is!

So the total cost of this for me was nothing! 
The bottle was a gift (I have some awesome people who like to give me things lol)
The beer bottle was not my purchase so to me that's free
The paint that washed off...already had. 
I also already had the soap. 
When you buy the big bottles you save money instead of buying the disposable ones for 1.00. 

So even after the paint fail and soap half fail I still call this project a win because well it forced me to clean my kitchen tonight to take this picture. 

*Update 7/23/15*
This project I now declare a 
It doesn't work well...Looks great but doesn't serve an actual purpose :(

Hope you enjoyed tonight's project. See you next Thursday.
Go like the facebook page. 

Help my little blog grow!  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Wine Glass Candle Votive

Whats up Blog world?! 
Happy Thursday! The only thing I like about Thursday's is I get to see you guys! Its been a crazy day that's for sure. But here I am ready to share my project with you. 
I recently just had a house warming party and my friend gave me a brand new set of wine glasses. They are much nicer than the ones I had. And now I have a full set instead of just two or three or...well you get the idea. But now I needed something to do for the other ones I had. I could donate them to some one who really needs them. I know how important wine glasses can be for some people. If you have some extra wine glasses around or you want to do this project head down the the dollar tree. They have lots of different kinds. If you are a recovering alcoholic... GOOD FOR YOU...well you don't have to use wine glasses for this project if its to painful to even think about it you can always use the pretty little juice glasses that every one has but forgets to use them when it comes time for juice. 

My point is this project was EASY! So easy I decided to wait until tonight to even do it. Once I got my computer to cooperate with me it took me about five minutes to do. 

Hehehe aren't they cute. The one with the flowers on it looks like its to fat for the "shade" 
That can easily be fixed by re gluing. 

My choices of paper were just random I didn't want to pick styles I would use in my own decor but colors that you could see that it can be used in your decor. 

First I found a template online for "wine glass shade".  You are going to want one that fills the whole page. 

You cut it out than trace on whatever decorative paper (Scrapbook paper) you want.

It will look like this. I tore this one apart so you can see what it looked like. The little white spot is where I glued it together (Glue stick)

Yes the only thing I don't like how I did them...I apparently can't cut a straight line. * sigh * 
The next thing I did was drop some tea lights inside. 

Safety tip Make sure the flame isn't to high you don't want the paper to catch fire. Do not leave candles unsupervised and if all else...Get the tealights that are battery operated.
Normally I prefer those but I have been using real candles for my warmer and had a bunch laying around. 
Here is another tip for ya, If you don't have a long stemmed lighter and you don't want to burn yourself just light the end of an uncooked spaghetti noodle. When that lights than you can lite the tealight. 
Yay life hack! Ha-ha

This project was really simple. You can decorate them however you want. You really want to get fancy you can always paint the bottoms or get pretty charms for the stems. I really like all the different ways to do this. 
These make great gifts! 
The total cost for me was:
 2.00 for the tealights (50 count)
any colored paper (?)
Wine glasses (1.00 at dollar tree) 

Endless possibilities. 

This project was...

Hope you enjoyed todays blog. I will be here every Thursday. So mark it on your calendars...or just like my facebook page 

Help my little craft blog grow!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

More Wall Art

Hello Blog world!
I'd say you are lucky to be reading this tonight because that means I have made up with my computer...For now. 
I have not had the greatest week. I have been trying to accomplish one teeny tiny thing and I realized today that I am going to end up exploding if I think anymore about it! After pacing back and forth near my computer area I realized its not my computers fault and I should not punish it or the world. So here I am! I am sorry tonight's project isn't going to be the best but I included two projects to make up for it! 

One day when I went to a few yard sales with my parents I came across this odd metal thing that you hang on the wall. It was .75 cents and I had a feeling I knew what it was but I already knew what I was going to do with it. I asked my mom and she told me it holds tiny plates. Why any one needs tiny plates I don't know that and it was a square shape so I was confused. My response to that was "Whatever I have a better idea." Its been sitting in my box for awhile now and when I redid my bedroom that was one of the projects I did for it. 

So let me show you what I did before I loose your interest. 

Pretty neat huh? I know its not very impressive. But this is what it looked like before. 


So what I did was spray paint the plate holder thingy (Yes that is the technical term) 
Print out some pretty pictures that go with my Italian theme. 
Cut out some scrapbook paper to go behind the pictures. 
Glued the pictures to the paper stuck it int eh little slots. Tadaa new art.
My original plan was to get some little canvas and put the pictures on that. After not getting around to this project for a while I decided I didn't really want to spend any money on this. 
All I ended up spending was the .75 cents. The rest was stuff I had. 

This blog is to show you what I bought at a yard sale and what I turned it into. Its a one of a kind piece. Is it fancy? Not really. Does it give my room a little pick me up. Most definitely. The Boyfriend even thought it was cool. That's always a plus in my book. If you are more artsy you can always get wood pieces and decorate it that way. Or stick with the canvas idea. I would not use plates because like I said plates are silly. Especially when they are tiny plates.  

Another cool picture idea I was thinking of doing was printing out a picture of the same tree going through all the seasons. 

The possibilities are endless. 

I have been working on some other stuff so don't worry your pretty little heads. 
Have I let you down yet? 

So I promised you two projects. Well the next one I did get off  Pinterest. It was a cool idea. 

Do you ever buy those scented bag things you stick in your dressers or closets? They have some strange scents but for the most part they are OK. They don't last long. Maybe the first day they are really strong but they fade soon after. 

Instead do this.

This was a "try me" size 9.7 oz. 
It was only 4.99 and the little bags were at the dollar tree. 
Speaking of dollar tree...don't annoy the cashiers by asking if everything is a dollar... it truly is. 
If you have trouble finding the little bags they are over by the greeting cards. (Baby shower stuff)
They come in a pack of six. I bought a few of them. I put them in my dresser, my closet, desk, and inside my little cabinet. They are what they say "Unstopables" I have had these little things for about two months. I can still smell them. Its a lite smell nothing to overpowering but pleasant.
I haven't used them as a scent booster in the washer but they smell really good outside so I would imagine they would be great in the washer :D. 
I still have a lot left over in the package too so I wont be running out to get more anytime soon.  

Well I hope you enjoyed my little projects for today. I will be sure to have some good stuff coming next week. 

Today's projects were:

Thanks for stopping by! See you next Thursday. 
Unless you are on my facebook page...You never know when I will pop up there!
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