Thursday, June 25, 2015

Genie Bottles

Hello Blog World!

How is everyone doing? I hope good. 
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you just couldn't get going? Just didn't feel like doing anything. Or in my case everything you tried to do didn't get accomplished? Well...That was my week this week. 
 The good news is I got a new camera! Boy that was exhausting! So maybe when the battery is all charged up I will pretend I am a photographer and take some cool pics. :D I got a Canon powershot elph350hs. Was it the one I really wanted? No but this was a better upgrade and more Casey approved. You guys think my life is just full of Casey approved projects...You were wrong. I am a special kind of ditz. I require things that are not complicated. The camera's I was looking at required you to push a button to use the flash....Think about that for a moment. Every time you wanted to use the flash you would have to release the little flash thingy and than make sure the setting was on flash. Nope. Too much work for me! So I am pleased with my purchase. It was time. My old camera only had 4x zoom. Ew. That's silly. So now I have 12x.  And a much better Mega pixel number. I am only boring you with the specs because the boyfriend and I just spent like thirty minutes trying to decide between three cameras. My brain hurts! So I came home ready to do my blog but than I come to realize I don't have the pictures of what I was going to show you. Fail on my part. But looking through my pictures I found something I can share with you. Last week I showed you my hand soap dispenser. This week I will show you a Christmas present I made last year. Genie bottles...Say what?

I found some pins about painting glass. I did the exact opposite of what they said to do. 
It was to much work and I didn't have all the stuff I needed so I just did what I wanted and this was the result. 
I made two of these. One for my mom and one for my sister. 
Attached the card read:
Which is from my own creative mind. :D
It was just something fun and different. They loved them. You don't have to do a genie bottle but if you decide you want to paint glass this is how I did it. 
For this I used Metallic acrylic paint. 
To apply it I used a sponge brush and dabbed it all over the bottle. I did a few different coats because It didn't come out to dark at first. 
You can't really use a paint brush it just moves the paint around but not allowing it to stick. 
The sponge works a lot better.
All the pins I saw were about painting the inside. Which I don't see the benefit of that either. I would worry the paint would come off anyways after time. 
I don't recommend using this for anything you will handle a lot. Its more for decorative purposes. Washing this would probably ruin it instantly (As we learned last week)
These bottles are easy to find. 
All I am going to say is..

Thrift stores!
You know you have one in your area...Go look. Some of its junk that can be turned into treasures! 

This mindset has concerned my family. Like my brother, He has something he was just going to throw away...NOOOOOO I told him. I have an idea for it! So that's going to be my next big project! I have a few up my sleeves it just takes time because I do try to be frugal about my projects. I can get carried away with costs and I try to avoid that because well..I don't have a lot of money to spend on craft items. I have bills. 

This project was so easy I did it while watching Christmas movies. (I know who wants to think about christmast...but this was last year remember that)
These would make cute gifts and are easy to do. 
So what I am saying is...
This project is:

I hope you enjoyed the blog If not maybe wish for a better one next week :P
I am done for tonight guys I am going to play with my new camera. 

Go like my facebook page to keep tabs on me. 
Share the blog the facebook page the address whatever you want just help my little blog grow!
Ill see ya next week!

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