Thursday, July 2, 2015

Organizing the Casey way!

Hey Blog world whats up? 
The project I was working on...Well its not cooperating. Sometimes that happens. To me it happens more than I would like it to. I put all my focus and energy on one project and when it doesn't work or finish by the week I give myself....Than I have nothing to entertain you with. So with that being said I didn't come completely unprepared. Allow me to entertain you by sharing some of my DIY organizing. 
First let me tell you a little about how my brain works. I hate things that stack. If I have to move three things to get to the one thing I want...its not good. 
I also don;t like things mixing together. Like at work...My paper clips and rubber bands can not mingle. And don't get me started on the little paper clips mixed with the big ones... No I am not OCD. I am just weird. 
Something you already know about me is I don't like to spend money. So these are all cheap ideas that you can use. Or not. If you don't really care about this blog post you can skip it if you feel like. BUUTTTT you still have to go like my facebook page and share share share! You might not like what I do but some one out in the crazy world might!

So lets start with my office. Yes my desk gets papers all over it and it drives me insane. But if you ask me where something is I can generally find it...most of the time. 

 I like things to be divided and contained. the awesome green baskets I got from dollar tree. 3 for 1.00. I use these things in more places than one. The black divider thing was something I bought at walmart. nothing to fancy. But it works. 
See I use these for little things like tubes of glitter. You really should have someplace to put your tube of glitter. Its a must :P
I use the bigger baskets for my charging wires/usb cables. This sometimes drives me insane because no matter how nicely you wrap them up they always get tangled. But this actually wasn't to bad when I opened it to take a picture. Ha-ha

These baskets are pretty cool to. In my old car I had one of these as my "trash can" These just hold my markers and colored pencils. These remind me of something you would see in Pre K or something. But it works so I don't care. By the way are you sensing my favorite color might be green?

Boxes I love little boxes. This one is about the size of a shoe box and I bought two of these at Ikea for 5.00 (I think) And yes it came with instructions on how to assemble.

This is the same kind of box only I made dividers out of colored paper. Its hard to tell in the pictures but these are my scrap book stickers I have. All sorted and organized. Orange of course means Halloween stickers and yes they are first because Halloween is my favorite!
The pin on this particular how to kind of bugged me. They really took cutting the paper into "files" to seriously. And when I tried to do that it was a royal mess. Besides I like not being able to really see the stickers this way because well I like my mess to be hidden :D
This is what the inside of my awesome cabinet looks like. Is it the best organization in the world? No. but it works for me and that's all that matters. 

My printer table. 
Cool huh? Not really but...

Inside it has another printer all nice and snug but fully operational. The boyfriend drilled a hole in the back so if I have to use that printer than I just switch printers on my computer and badabing! I am using a secret printer! 
Also using those paper stacking things (yes this is my language you either get use to it or not. )
Which has different kinds of copy paper. 
Colored/Regular. Ya know the drill

Did I ever mention my favorite store besides Hobby Lobby is Office Max/Depot /Staples. :D 

Ok we covered the office area. I have a nook instead of a full room office and I am constantly trying to find ways to make the storage work. Like I said I don't like to display to much out in the open only because I don't like moving it when I clean. 
I will say it again. 
I am not OCD.

This is my cleaning closet and you will see how OCD I Am not. 
Ew I know it looks messy. 
But I know where everything is and Normally I don;t have to dig or move things to get to what I want. 
This pin was using a shoe organizer in your closet to organize your cleaning supplies. 
other ideas I have seen are:
Teddy Bears
Nail Polish
Computer Cords (for the nerds like my Boyfriend.)

This also allows me to put my vacuum cleaning device inside as well. Although its not there....It does fit :)

Now when we moved into this house we sacrificed cabinet space for having a dish washer and two bathrooms. The trade off was worth it but it took some fanangling (Another Casey word)
Not having a big medicine cabinet...even in the old house I found this idea on Pinterest. 
These are two different drawer thingys because I bought one thinking it would be enough and ended up needing two. I bought them at different places...there you go. 
I do plan on making these prettier...But...Out of site out of mind. 
This picture also shows how badly I need a label machine. :D 
But it works. When the boyfriend asks "Where is the aspirin?" I say "Check the drawer thingy" and he knows what I am talking about.

So there you have it some Casey approved organizing tips. 
I shared my desk drawer with you people...I hope you enjoyed!

Any other organizing tips? Feel free to share! Any ideas you want me to try...Let me know! 
I hope I have something better for you next week. I hope no one is mad at me for being such a slacker! Its hard to work full time, clean cook,write, read and craft and BE AWESOME all in one day. 
Sometimes I wish I had more hours in the day. 
But knowing me...Id probably sleep during them. 

Thanks for stopping by tonight, I will see you next Thursday! 
Go Like my facebook page! So close to 70 I can taste it! And in case you were wondering what 70 likes taste like...Its sort of sweet. :D
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Tell them to go to Facebook and find the link there. 
Just tell someone about it! 
I need help! Help my little blog grow!

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