Thursday, August 20, 2015

Notebooks and Stones

Hello Blog world!
"You'll find your passion in what inspires you the most." -Anonymous

Yes we are starting this blog with a quote. Why because its been an inspirational kind of week. 
As I was browsing pinterest I found some cool idea's for inspiration and of course I found them worthy enough to share with you. 

The first one is one of the projects I wanted to do last week for the "dollar tree blog" But, my printer and I were having a disagreement. I thought it should print when I hit the print button. It thought it should not... So after a long night of battling we decided to take some time apart and think about our differences. On Monday we sat down and had a nice long chat while I took out its screws and pointed out to it that it was indeed a printer and printers are suppose to print. It finally agreed with me now we are on good terms again. 

After all that Let me show you what I did! 
First I will show you my inspirational stones

          Ok so I know the picture doesn't do it justice. I have nothing to blame but me and my lack of photography skills
There, now you get a better idea. 

This was so easy (once the printer cooperated) and it was only 2.00!
Bought these and the heart shape dish at dollar tree
Printed out some sappy words. Make them short, or the font small either way you can do as many as you want. 
The original project was "diy conversation hearts" where they made them all pink and had sappy says like "too cute" or "kiss" buuut I didn't want that so I just did the normal Love, Believe, and Dream. I had Happiness...but it was too long. 
After printing them out I mod podged them to the back. 

The mod podge dries clear allowing you to see the words you put. 

I don't know if you can tell in the picture but I also did some colored paper ones to. Just blue and green. Just to add some extra color to the mix. 

Next project I did was what I am calling my inspiration notebook. 
I plan using it for some of my favorite quotes, sayings or just things that inspire me. Why not right?
I found this project on pinterest as well (Seriously they should pay me for as much as I am on there!)

Now with this project it was a notebook tutorial which I thought would be a great idea since I am a writer and writers need notebooks. However. I am thinking that maybe half of this project should just go bye-bye and we should just focus on making a cover for a binder or an existing notebook. But I will show you how I did this and you can decide if you want to do the whole project or not. 

First I went on pinterest and searched things I liked. 
Quotes about writing
My favorite James Dean quote
My haunted house I want to buy

You get the point. 
I copied and pasted these pictures in a new document. I used which is what I use for all my photoshopping needs. 

(Its free by the way)

I set the document to be 8 1/2 inches wide and 11 inches long which you can change in your basic settings. 
Filled the white spaces with my pictures. Printed it out. BAM! Awesome cover 
After I printed the picture I got the rest of my supplies together. 

Loose leaf paper
Binder clips
Mod podge
Card stock paper.

Now in the original tutorial it said to use construction paper for the binding part but I used Washi Tape. 
I will explain why in a minute. 

So once you got all of your supplies together First thing you are going to do is determine how thick you want your notebook. This is important because I used the whole stack of loose leaf paper that was in the package...I think this is where I ran into problems. 
Once you figure that out you are going to clip the ends of the paper. Make sure its all nice and even like
 I was dumb and didn't take a picture of where I had the binder clips first 
but I put them on the other ends and along the sides I put glue (mod podge) This was where I put the clips to keep it together better while it dried. 
While that was drying I worked on the cover page. 
I did have to cut it down so it was so much bigger than the loose leaf paper and for me that was a slight problem.
I can't cut a straight line for the life of me but I tried. 
Always have your kitty supervise you while you are doing DIY projects. 

After I cut the front cover to the size I wanted I glued it on to card stock to make it a little thicker. 

Place under a heavy book to make sure it doesn't curl up. 
It will anyways but this is what they told me to do...

Now the next part SUCKED! Trying to get it all together...Was a bit of a challenge. I suggest you get about eight more hands and maybe it will work. 
The way the girl did it in the video..flawless!
I just don't understand. I was a fumbling mess. That's why I can't make videos. You all would commit me if you saw what I did to make these projects work. 
So anyways the tutorial said to use construction paper. Well when I did that it didn't really work as well as I wanted it to, this lead me to try Washi tape, Which ended up having the same problem...

It separates too much....
  The paper stuck together great! But its the binding that I am having a problem with. 
I don't know... the notebook isn't the most sturdy so its not a throw in your bag in a rush kind of notebook. But to sit on your desk and look pretty..Sure!
The boyfriend said "Looks like something you would buy in the stores" 
Yay! I like that compliment. 
Like I said before if you want to use the first part and just make an awesome book cover, I encourage that. I don't know How I feel about the second part though. I feel like the book is going to fall apart every time I open it. 

So there you have it. Two cheap easy projects. 

Which of course makes them...
But like I said...Mostly for the cover not so much the book part. 

I hope you enjoyed tonight's projects! If you want to see more subscribe by putting your email in the email box!
If you want to see what I am up to before and after Thursdays go like my facebook page
I am also on twitter now!

Hey I am trying to figure out this social network thing! 
Got any projects for me? Let me know! 

I do these to show you if they are possible or just crazy!

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