Thursday, August 13, 2015

Home Office Decor

Hello blog world! How are we doing tonight? Me I am doing great! 

Its going to be another short one, I have spent a lot of my spare time working on a bigger project with my brother so I haven't had time to do any little projects. But I always find something! I figured I would do three mini projects for you but...My printer has decided it hates me. So You only get two out of the three!

I recently experience desk claustrophobia. Doesn't sound like a real thing? Well in a Casey world it is very real! And it can't be ignored! I hate my desk to have any sort of clutter on it. I really should just have a plan desk with nothing on it and I will be happier but I need some stuff to brighten up my area. So I cleaned it up a little and cleared the top of my hutch thing on my desk. Go I rearranged some pictures in my office and was pretty satisfied. Until the boyfriend said that I needed something to brighten it up. Like flowers or something. You know its pretty blah if the man of the house says it needs flowers! So I went on pinterest and looked up desk decorating ideas. Found a lot of cool projects that I wanted to do but only found the stuff to do these. All of my supplies I bought at Dollar Tree. I spent under 10.00 on these things and used some stuff I already had. 
My two projects working as one!

So firsts talk about the picture with the green paper. 

Its not really a picture...Its actually a message board. You just have to look really hard and use your imagination! 
But seriously Throw some pretty paper in an 8X10 frame (That's what this is) And bam! You have a message board! You can use it for to do lists, Inspirational quotes. Whatever ya want! I bought some dry erase markers and it works great! 
Total for that one:
You can buy construction paper at the dollar store also...Just saying. 

The next one is my flowers. I know I picked white. Ugh I wanted to do green but I already have green flowers around my office so I figured the white with the green would look kind of cool. 
Is it the best bouquet I have done? No not really. Does it brighten up my desk. A little. 

This was easy 
Grassy stuff (If you haven't learned by now I don't use regular "adult" words)
All at the dollar tree!



The other thing I did with this was separate them. You don't have to do this but I like to pretend I know what I am doing when it comes to arranging flowers. 

Use wire cutters and cute them so they are individual flowers. 
Pretty easy. 
Yes that is my cat. 
He was supervising. 

So there you have two awesome ideas for a low price! Sounds like my kind of project. 

I hope you enjoyed tonights project. 

Hope to see you next Thursday...Don't worry I will have something awesome to share with ya!

I love showing you how to do budget friendly projects but sometimes buying crafts isn't in my budget so I have to sort of wing it!

This was 

Go do the liking on

Remember to share!

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