Thursday, August 6, 2015

Box with Letters

Hello Blog World! 
I need a new routine. Tonight has been crazy, I am trying to do tooo much before a certain time. Its stressful. The boyfriend has a new schedule and I am trying to be a good girlfriend and try to change my schedule to help him out. Day two: already finding it hard. 
So anyways! Tonight's project was a simple one. I found a wooden box and I needed to make it pretty. I was originally going to stain it but thought my laundry room needed some color. I am in the process of trying to make my laundry room look as cool as the ones on pinterest do...So far I am not succeeding but I am heading in the right direction. The boyfriend even said it looks better now. But I secretly pay him to say those things. 

Any who! 
So this is going to be a quick blog because like I said I have a ton to do still!

Uck my Laundry room looks sad in this picture. Anyways so there is my pretty new box. It says Wash Not Mash...I promise! 
Of course you can see the King made an appearance in here. Hehehe

Here is the before. See it was probably nicer this way but I didn't like it. 
I have no idea what the purpose of this box was. My parents were going to throw it out and I said "Gimme!" I swear I don't have a problem. 
First I found some of these letters. 

Picking the color I wanted the letters to be in I painted the front of the box that color first

The paints I used were actually given to me but they were just paint samples. You can get a little jar/can whatever you want to call it for around 2.00. Didn't need a lot for this box in fact I still have some left over and they weren't even full to begin with. 

After I painted the front I had to cut out the letters. I didn't want rectangle shapes I wanted letter shapes.
I stuck the letters where I wanted them. I was worried they would peel paint with them when I would take them off but they didn't. I know they are crooked do not point out my mistakes! I do that on my own. ha-ha

Once you have all your letters where they need to be than I picked a darker color and painted over top of them. 
This was after the first coat. I did a few more just to make sure it was all nice and solid. 
I let it dry over night. 

I know you are so shocked that I was patient enough to wait all night and all day to finish something. 
Well I did and it actually worked out well. Because once it dried and I carefully pulled the letters off 
(use tweezers if you don't have nails!)
My result was this. 

I had to touch up a few spots where I messed up. mostly the "A" because well the center was kind of hard to cut into. 

So there you have! Your own customized box. 
The possibilities are endless. All you need is some sticker letters and some paint! If you don't want to put a word you can use painters tape and make cool designs. 
The size of letters that I had and the size of the box I used I was limited. But turned out better than I thought. 
I really thought the stickers were going to peel the paint or it would look like a hot mess. I know I know I doubt myself to much! 

Well I hope you enjoyed tonight's project! 
this was 

I hope to see you guys next week! I finally started working on some of my bigger projects again with my brother so keep an eye out for that!
If you want to keep tabs on me during my projects check out my facebook page
Remember to like while you are there.

If you have already liked it...YOU DON"T HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN! :D 

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