Tuesday, January 6, 2015

D.I.Y Chandelier

Hello Blog World!
        I know its only Tuesday but I missed you all terribly! So I thought what the heck, why wait until Thursday? So here I am. The project I did for this post was pretty simple...Well it would have been a lot more simple if I had all my supplies when I started...

 I was going through Pinterest and I saw a beaded chandelier made from a wire plant basket. I decided I wanted to try it myself but with a different idea in mind. I will post a picture of one of the more common ones that I saw.

Make your own chandelier for only a few bucks using this tutorial.  This dollar chandelier looks like a designer knockoff, but it's really a thrifty #DIY project.
I like it, its pretty. But its not my style. So I kept looking through getting some ideas for mine. I didn't find one that I wanted to duplicate so I did what I always do and said "Lets wing it!"

So Here are the supplies I started with. 

Wire basket
Spray paint
Some wire cutters 
Clear ornaments. 

    When I started I had a feeling that the ivy that I received (Thanks mom!) wasn't going to be enough.  But because I am impatient I started my project anyways. I am sure you can get the Ivy at any craft store. If I can save a few extra bucks I will always do that first! I found some garland at Dollar tree but it was a little bigger than the one I started with. They also had just the leaves so I bought them instead. Also I used the cheapest spray paint I could find, I don't recommend this for all your spray painting projects but for this one it will be just fine. Bonus the lights were on clearance because they were Christmas lights (score!). But these are all items you can find at thrift stores. That's my kind of project! So with all my supplies I spent about 8.00. That's being thrifty. 

      First I spray painted the basket. Then wrapped the ivy around first. When I ran out of the garland kind I just used the leaves. The wire can be used to wrap around the wire basket. Wrap the lights in any empty spaces so you don't over-lap the ivy. I hung my clear ornaments and beaded wire than Ba-Da-A-Boom you have a chandelier! 

At first I was going to dress up the ornaments but I like that the kind of look like bubbles.

The only thing I would have done differently would be where I started the lights. I tried lining them up with the chains to try to hide them but it kind of looks like to much at the top. As soon as I find another wire basket I will make another one of these. I will try to do more detailed pictures of the process. If you really love doing projects you will understand how hard it is sometimes to stop in the middle to take a picture! That and I never know what I am going to do until I am done. To be honest with you I had no idea what exactly I was going to do for this until I finished. That's the fun of making something yourself. Its yours. Not something you can find at the stores. So take this post as a guideline to making your own unique chandelier. 
Remember to have fun with it!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! 
If you want to see future posts put your email in the subscription box at the top of the page.

I give this project the 'Casey Approved' stamp!

See you Thursday!
Peace, love and Get all your supplies at once!


  1. Wow that looks really cool! Definitely more you than the pearls. Is that on your patio or dining room?

  2. Really like this one. :)
