Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stationary Set

Its Blog time!
How is every one doing today? Me as I am typing I have a feeling I am going to have to start using my washable keyboard again (yes they make those). My hands are covered in spray paint! Which leads me to this evenings post. Now you will notice in my first picture I used one business card holder but than changed it mid way through. What happened was that I live in Florida..what does that have to do with anything you ask? Well little fun fact for those who don't live in Florida...it gets very humid out. And for the last few days its been ridiculously humid and wet and gross and gloomy...Ok back on track. Well let me tell you trying to spray paint in said weather is a pain! So before I had a fit and threw the first business card holder out the door I figured I better do something else. So here is one of my finished products that I will be sharing with you today. 

See my Co-Worker asked me forever ago to make her a stationary set that fits her personality better. Right now she has a dog stationary set. Which I think is adorable...but for someone who doesn't really like animals...doesn't make a lot of sense. So she put me on a mission to make one for her. I had lots of ideas but like most of my ideas they work better in my head then actually trying to do them. I will show you the other piece which is the business card holder when I am done with it. Yeah leave it to me to wait until the last minute because as I type it is currently drying. So hopefully it will cooperate with me. 

This is what it looked like before. Plain old run of the mill black pencil cup and business card holder. 
Like I said the business card holder is not the one I ended up using. So I apologize for any false hope this may cause.

The items needed for this project:
-Business card holder/Pencil cup
-Plastic friendly spray paint. 
-Some fun stickers
-Craft sand

First thing I did was take all the plastic off, I don't know why I am including this step just want to make sure that it is clear..You do not paint the plastic wrapping. 

Spray painted the cup so it looked like this..

If you are plain and simple (nothing wrong with that) you can stop here and now you will have a (Insert color you like here) Pencil cup!
But I had more ideas so the next step I did was throw some glue on the bottom. I used Mod Podge but just glue will work.
Using a bowl that was bigger than the bottom I filled it up with some craft sand and dipped the pencil cup in. I went to Walmart first looking for the craft sand. They have it but its $4.47. I of course will always pick the cheaper option...No I didn't just use real sand (Although that thought crossed my mind) I found some at the Dollar Tree. You really have no idea what you can find there if you give it a chance! 
It actually took a few tries for me to get it to look this good. For some reason when I put the Mod Podge on it I didn't go all the way to the bottom of the cup. So I had a big ring of blue around the bottom that I tried to fix...Luckily this stuff washes off pretty well if you do it as soon as you make the mistake. After washing my pencil cup I redid being sure to go all the way to the bottom. 
Let it dry. 
This is important. 
Seriously let it dry. 
ok it's not that important...But I am sure it should be. 
After it dried partially I stuck some pretty stickers all over it. 

Looking at the pictures I see some things I would have done differently. Use more Mod Podge/Glue  because some areas are lacking some sand but overall I think it looks pretty cute!
Now I just took some pictures of the business card holder and I am not going to lie I am pretty impressed with how it turned out. Want to see? Tune in next time...

Oh I am just kidding, But seriously though come see me all the time! Remember Tuesdays and Thursday have become blog craft night! Are you excited? I know I am!

So here is the business card holder.
Makes ya want to go to the beach right? Well This business card holder is smaller than my original one. My boyfriend actually had this one laying around (What doesn't every body have these laying around?) And I actually rescued it from the trash..Seems like we need to have a discussion about what gets thrown away around here! So after washing it I spray painted this one and stuck the stickers on it as well. If you cant tell by the pictures the sticker over laps a little bit so I just put some plain scotch tape behind it so the business cards would stick to it. And I am also aware that the drinks may not be seen as well when the business cards are in it...But I still think it looks 'SO Cute!' 

So here ya go a personalized stationary set. Think about all the different stickers that are out there...The possibilities are endless! I want to see everybody with fancy stationary now! This didn't cost a lot to make. The break down (estimated) 
Pencil Cup- 1.47 (Walmart)
Business card holder(Walmart) # 1- 1.97
Business card holder #2- Free
Stickers found in scrap book section (Walmart)-2.00 
Spray paint (Plastic specific) (Walmart)-5.47
Sand(Dollar Tree)- 1.00 or free if you really want to use the outside stuff. 
If you don't have any of the supplies than this project cost about 10 dollars.

That's all for today see you Thursday!
Peace Love and Beaches!

P.S Having trouble commenting? Make sure the post as is selected to anonymous or sign into your Google account when it prompts you. If you see the funny letters that is just making sure you are not a robot. 


  1. Love it! The sand was a great touch. I can see how easy it would be to create different designs. Great job :)

  2. Good idea!!!! Great job!!! :) Sheri
