Thursday, May 7, 2015

DIY...Village make over. Dont: Wind-chime

Hey Blog world.
How is every one doing?
Me well I have had a failure craft day. It was just one of those days where nothing worked. 
I started out doing one craft but after three attempts I gave up. Also trying to paint our bedroom. Between moving furniture and taping the room I didn't have a lot of time to do anything productive. I did how ever have a lovely time on our vacation. Thanks for asking! :) We went to St Augustine and brushed up on some history. I also got some inspiration for my books. If you didn't know I like to write. Ironically being the biggest wimp when it comes to all things horror I write about ghosts. Its a mixture of romance and paranormal. So going to a haunted city was just what the doctor ordered. Of course now I need to sit my butt down and get writing. But back to tonight's projects. Yes projects as in plural because I started one. I was going to redo my wind-chimes 

First, I hate wind chimes. I can not stand the clangy noise they make. I do not find it soothing. To me it sounds like nails on a chalk board. But I like wooden ones. The thunking is a lot better to me instead of the clanging. 

Well my wind chime started to fall apart so I wanted to try to fix it. 





Basically what happened...Well I have no patience. 
Needed about eight hands to do this project. I wanted to do pretty beads and repaint some of the wood. 
But I couldn't get it to work. I honestly could tell you all sorts of things I had tried to do but I am so annoyed with this project I want to forget it ever happened. 

So I have been working on something else so I didn't completely fail you.

A few years ago I turned a little Christmas village into a Halloween village. So since then I have received lots of houses to redo. Some of them I can use for my Halloween village others are to big. But again back to the stories I write (ghosts remember?) I usually get my inspiration from creepy houses. Well I came across these two houses that reminded me of some of the houses that became my inspiration. 


Before. Gave it a bath. Kicked out all local spider residents. Get ready to paint. 

Just used acrylic paints. 

Not my best work but I was rushed. 

When Halloween comes around remind me to show you my Halloween village. It is awesome!

Anyways. So these projects don't require a break down in price. I don't expect people to try and attempt these projects. I just wanted to share a failure and a some what success. :D

Hope you enjoyed tonight's blog. I will see you next week. 

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Tell me what you think. 

See ya Thursday!

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