Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hall Table

Hey Bloggers! How is it going? 
Its almost the end of my first week back at work. Do I miss vacation? Yes I do. But good news is I have a three day weekend coming up. Happy Memorial day Since I wont see any of ya! 
I am currently addicted to HG TV's Flea Market Flip. Go figure. So I am chomping at the bit wanting to go to the flea market and see if there is something I can fix up and sell. I did do that with the cabinet and as soon as it gets finished hopefully I can get it a good home. So as soon as I find a decent flea market that will be my mission. I will keep you posted. 
Now on to today's project. I use to work for Bealls Outlet....its a southern based store. But its basically like TJ Max but cheaper. The only thing they had that I never understood the price for was the furniture. It was so pretty but never very reasonable. When we moved into our house I decided I wanted a hall table. Just something decorative but some what function-able. The prices were from 250.00- 350.00. I don't need to remind you how frugal I can be. I was not going to spend that on a basically useless piece of furniture. So of course on pinterest I found a DIY hall table. The ones I saw were a little more complicated than I wanted to do. This project was a 'wing it' type of deal. With the help of my boyfriend I was able to accomplish this. 

I had visions of painting a really bright color or something cool but the boyfriend decided he liked the idea of it looking like part of the wall. Its all about picking your battles. :D
Plus...He did most of the work. 

So all we used:
A floating shelf, some dowels, and stair banister spindles. 
All found at Lowes. 
The floating shelf was its own kit so that helped. It even came with instructions before we even looked at those we added our touch to it. 

The bottom of the shelf had a hole in it for its own purpose. Where that hole is you see in the picture that is the back of the shelf that goes to the wall. We made two marks directly under each hole that was already there. That's what we attached the stair spindles to. 

This part was the boyfriends job. He added a double sided metal dowel In one end of the spindle. One side already had a hole in it but it was to big so we just used the other side. 
Lets see if I get yelled at for taking pictures of him and posting on my blog. MUHAHAHA.

Here you can sort of see what I was talking about with the already made hole and the back. Remember this is upside down you will not see the holes when you are done. 

Once the new holes are drilled in we attached the spindles. 

Carefully. Don't get to crazy or you will break the wood...fake wood. 

Now for the difficult part. Installing the actually shelf. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of all the pieces in the kit. But it does have instructions. I will just sort of go over them with you so you know what I did but don't quote me on them!

We first installed the bracket that would hold the shelf up. Its a floating shelf so you don't see any of the actual hardware when its up. This required marking, measure, and leveling. 

The anchors in this kit by the way...are dumb. 
I am not a contractor or even an expert on walls. But I do know that anchors are required in lots of hanging projects. But I was confused by the type of anchors that we received. 

Yes the shelf had instructions. No it did not tell me how to use this. I had to go on youtube and try to figure this out. Along with googling what kind of anchor this was. Typing "Anchor thingy" was just not going to work in a youtube search bar. 
Finally figured out that you had to push the ends in and make it look like a regular anchor. Some of these I guess fold into themselves this one however did not. 

Like I said before this was sort of a "wing it" kind of project. 

This part was the part that took the longest. We tried everything we could think of before googling it but it was not working. I am sure some of you are laughing hysterically at us for not knowing what to do with this foreign piece of thing. But we figured it out and that's all that matters. 

I had a black shelf above it that I thought looked silly with the white so I threw a scarf on it and called it good. 

This project was fairly simple as long as you have the right a drill. 
Which I am still not allowed to play with might I add. 

Cost was reasonable. 
Spindle: 4.50 each. (They do have cheaper.)
Dowel-1.24( 2inch 1/4 )
Hidden shelf-16.98 (23.6 inches)

If you don't like this specific design, you can still do so much with this concept. 
They have a lot of different kinds of spindles to customize your project. 

Yes I realize this is more of a fancy shelf than a hall table but it looks about the same and you can add four legs instead of just the two. 

This project was 
Even though my boyfriend did most of the work. :D

Thanks for visiting guys. I do appreciate seeing those page views go up. 
If you enjoyed it share! 
Even if you didn't..Share...some one might :D
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I would love to hear about any projects you have done or would like me to do. 

See ya next Thursday!

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