Thursday, February 5, 2015

DIY Cabinet

Good evening Blog world. 

How is everyone doing? Good I hope. 
I am in the process of doing my project right now. and cooking dinner. So bare with me tonight!

I do want to start out by saying I am going back to once a week...I know I didn't really do just once a week but I should have stuck with my original thought. So since today is Thursday and I started on a Thursday seems like the right day to continue doing this is....Did you guess Monday? I hope not. stick with me people. So we agree Thursday is the day? Great! I knew you would understand! If you don't well send me money and will do crafts everyday all the time! But make sure you send me enough to where I can quit my job because working full time and blogging full time just isn't going to happen! I really hope no one gets mad at me...I have to look at it this way I can't please every one! Look at it this way instead of silly little crafts I can focus on good ones! 

Tonight's project is still drying. As soon as its done drying I will attempt to bring it in the house for the 6th time. Bringing it in and out every time to put a new coat of spray paint...was not fun! I am a small weakling and the cabinet is a lot heavier than I thought! I need to get a work shed...never in a million years did I think I would need a work shed but...I want one! 

Ok so now that its done drying and I got it in the house I am a tad unhappy. 

My furniture is black, I decided to paint it gray. Why I don't know. But we shall see maybe I will get use to it. 

Keep in mind this is not the finished product! 

I have other ideas to (I know I bet you are wondering how. Stay tuned!)

 Yes I am aware it has no knob yet. I AM NOT DONE! I am just showing you what i have been working on so you don't think I am slacking!
Thinking about putting a gloss coat of spray paint on it as well....Meaning I will have to take it back outside...Ugh See this is why I do this to myself, to show you that normal people don't always have flawless crafts! This is a perfect example of that. Like I said its not done yet but I am kind of not feeling the color or look of it. 

But this is what it looked like before

Some one put some work into this to make it look older. Well older just does't work in my room so I had to make it match the rest of my stuff.
Again why I went with gray...My mom told me that gray would be easier to paint over than I did what any good kid does and I listened...Look where that got me!

I'm just kidding...she knows I am kidding...Right? Hehe...should I delete that? Nah!

So I started out with a five dollar spray paint. That went on really nice. It to was also gray but it was more of a blue gray. So that was certainly not going to work in my room. 

So I bought the Krylon paint I always use, and I have made the determination that I like painting plastic better than wood. But we learn. 

I spray painted the insides...Another lesson I learned that it is not easy to spray paint the insides... 
Note to self...need to get a face mask if I am going to continue to spray paint. 

I am not showing you the insides because some point I am going to do an organizing blog where I show you how I organize my craft stuff. 
That will be fun.

My sister gave me this cabinet so this little shout out is for her...THANK YOUUUUU....Now come help me get my small tiny room situated! 

I love my little nook in my house. But it is just that..A little nook. 
So that has been a challenge trying to keep it organized but still be usable. 
So I am going to end this blog with a to be continued and for now a stamp of

Remember don't come looking for me on Tuesday! See you Thursday! If you miss me come visit me on my facebook page!


  1. So this is going to be a craft cabinet? I like the look of the gray but I don't know what the rest of your house looks like so that doesn't mean much. Will look forward to next week!

  2. Looking good but knowing what your nook looks like you will have to pull in more gray accents if leaving it gray. And gray is easier to cover than black :)
