Thursday, February 12, 2015

DIY Garden Mirror Orb

OH my blog! How have you been? Its been what? A week?
Did you miss me? I missed you guys too. But now I can tell you what I have been up to since I don't feel rushed or pressured.
Lets see Saturday I went yardsaling with my parents found some goodies that I will show you sometime! Also my Dad wins the best dad in the world award, he took my Mom and I to Hobby Lobby! My dad is so supportive and helpful. He even helped pick out some stuff for my big project I have been working on. Of course this project I am referring to is my Cabinet that I am just so excited to get done...I would have loved to have been able to show you what my progress was but...I need some adult supervision on this one. Razor blades are involved.

.. Its just safer for everyone if I don't try to cut things.
What else? Well my sister gave me some supplies as well. I seem to have surprised her when I told her i didn't have a hot glue gun...he-he. She took care of that for me. She also gave me the supplies for this blog. My garden decoration. Mirror Orb.
If you saw on my Facebook I posted a Pin about spray paint projects. Of course you are noticing that I seem to have a thing for spray paint, well I am not alone! So the one project that really caught my eye were the mirror balls. If you don't know what I am talking about go to my Facebook page and check it out. Like it so I know you were paying attention! :D
Now I love the gazing orbs you see in gardens. But they can be pricey. (Frugalness...its what I am all about!) so seeing the mirror orbs, of course I had to try it myself!
This project made me laugh a little bit because my biggest concern do you spray paint a round object...well if you figure it out please share! We will learn from each other.
The second part was getting the supplies. My family use to be big on the bowling scene. So finding the bowling ball wasn't going to be a problem. But for the ones who don't have an endless supply of bowling balls go to your local thrift store. The one by me has a at least 80 of them for sale. And keep your eye out at yard sales. You just never know what you will find.
So then I just needed paint. Mirror glass paint is what they used in the Pin I was talking about. Which I found at Walmart. If you want you can buy that kind...I did not. It was 9.00 for a tiny can. Half the size of a regular can of spray paint. I wasn't sure how much I would need so I thought I would play it safe and go for a cheaper can....Except that was the only kind of mirror glass paint they had. I found a metallic spray paint by Rust-oleum. I thought why not. It was only 3.97 for a normal sized can. I know how well that covers so I went with that choice. I wasn't disappointed with the results of the paint...Just my inability to spray paint a round object.
You know what a bowing ball looks like so I didn't take a picture of the bowling before. If you dont know what it looks like...go on Google now and look.
I will wait. 

Are you done?
Now that we are on the same page. 
As I was painting I noticed something that I missed and made it look silly. 

The numbers engraved in the ball. To try to fix this I put a piece of scotch tape over it and repainted it. 

So that's where this picture comes into play. You can still see the tape so I plan on doing another one of these and if I run into this problem again I will go about a different way. If you have any suggestions on what to do...Including the how to spray paint the ball thing. The other side isn't the best. Where the finger holes we will just ignore that, No one will see it anyways. 
The weather again wasn't cooperating with me very well and that has a lot to do with what the spray paint does. I know that's a lame excuse but its that's my story and I am sticking to it!
This was a great DIY project and for the upcoming spring my garden is going to look very snazzy. 
If you want to splurge and get the mirror glass paint I am sure it might look a little better. But you know me. I am to cheap I like how it looks as it is. 
The bowling ball has a few dings in it but that's to be expected for an older ball. Not complaining since it was free (Thank sis!) But it does take away from the look a little. 

So total cost for this project was $3.97 for the Rust-oleum Metallic silver spray paint.
I'm ok with that. 

This project was:
Let me know what you think. If you have any ideas please share. If you liked my blog share it. If you want to help it grow share and like my Facebook page. I want to hit 100 likes by next week. Lets see if we can do it!
See you next time!


  1. as always mother approved I'm thinking about the filler for the numbers will be in touch

  2. I love it, what a great idea.

  3. Maybe spakle to fill in the numbers? This turned out really good :)

  4. I Might have to try the spakle idea. I tried glue...Did not work. Going to try another ball at some point. Love how this turned out though despite its flaws!
