Tuesday, February 3, 2015

DIY Decorative Box

Happy Blog Tuesday!
Well I say happy but what I really mean is frustration blog Tuesday!
I almost didn't want to do a blog today only for the fact that I wanted to just come home from a crazy work day and go to sleep. And after a possible fraud scare I was tuckered out! But stand by on that...

So My major project that I am working on is taking longer than I wanted it to...So hold off on that. But I am very excited for that...but I am not going to tell you what it is...See I will make you come back wanting more! 

At least that's the idea. 

So today was a lame "DIY" but for someone with more patience and time and energy it might look cool...But this is what I did. 

Tadaaaa isn't it pretty?

 Before pictures:


Yes I know its amazing!
All it was...Box. Scrap book paper...Mod Podge and a little knowledge on how to wrap a box. (which I clearly don't have)

I added the little cut out thing on the outside just because my mom gave me this little scrap book hole punch that I wanted to try it out. I really wanted to do something else with this box for my desk...But this isn't it!

This I wouldn't say was a fail but it is just...eh.

But I promise once my big project is done and I get some more supplies you will be like oh-ah again. not just...um..What?

But these blogs dont have to be just about crafts. Some times DIY projects are not fun or worth posting about. Like DIY filing taxes. It takes time precious time. And it also takes time to try to call the IRS. 

Know all those movies you see about the robots taking over? I think its happening. I had to call 8 different numbers today only to get 8 of basically the same automated voice prompts all telling me that a representative was not available and to check online for your answer.
I am all about looking online first. Ask my co workers how often I say "Google it" Because its true I Google everything. I even Googled numbers on trying to find real people to talk to! Than when I did get real people they laughed at me. LAUGHED AT ME! rude. So once I sort of solved that problem I had another DIY project I had to do which is called making dinner for the people and the animals. Which its only Me, my boyfriend and my three fur kids. But making a meat loaf takes time.
So I apologize that this project was lame. I almost didn't post it but since I wasted time on it I figured it was worth sharing. 
If you attempt to do this project for what ever reason my only warning is thick scrap book paper is hard to work with it doesn't look right.  

Now to finish the rest of my chores and such. I will see you Thursday with hopes of a decent project. 

P.S now doing this for a month (Yay) and I am noticing that Tuesdays seem to be more popular that Thursday so as much as I like writing here I might just go back to one day a week doing the DIY projects. Give me time to put more effort in one project instead of trying to do a bunch of little easier projects. Let me know what you think either here or on my facebook page. Do you want me to continue posting on here twice a week? If so how about Tuesdays be a project blog and Thursday be a insert idea here blog.

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I like getting the posts twice a week. But maybe leave the crafts for Tuesday and use Thursday for something else? Maybe tips on being more thrifty with crafting? Or some other craft related topic?
