Thursday, January 29, 2015

DIY (More) Wall Art

Hey Blog world!
Its Thursday and you know what that means. Lazy Casey craft day! 
But honestly I still think these count because I did do them!

Today's post is a decoration my Mom decided she wanted when we were walking around Hobby Lobby. Like me she is on a tight budget so spending a lot of money on decorative things just doesn't make sense. Who do you think I got the mentality of "I can make that." from? So my crafty Mom got a new idea in her head and I got to help! 

You know whats really popular right now? Framed objects. Example (This is a picture off google. This is NOT the project we did)
So after seeing something similar my mom thought this would be a cool idea for her flea market wall...What doesnt every one have one of those? See let me back track My parents just bought a new house and there was a curious wall. It sort of looked like a big chalk board just randomly on the wall. I forgot to take a picture of the actual wall but when its fully complete I will share it with you. So not really able to do much with this wall from its randomness my mom decided to do something similar to the picture above just with stuff she already had. My parents are antique dealers and if its unique my mom loves it so they have collected some goodies over the years. So instead of just shoving it in a box or on a shelf she is in the process of making it wall art. 

 With this said we were in Hobby Lobby and found similar frames to these but they wanted $30.00 a piece...Yikes. We decided to hold off on that part but My mom also noticed that door knobs and keys are in style now. And guess what she has a lot of? Did you guess door knobs and keys? I hope so if not try to keep up. Now the only problem was these door knobs were just, well door knobs. Usually you would put them in a door and maybe even attach it to a lock. Nope not us. We had different plans. So supplies needed for this project:
-Crackle paint
- 2 Different color craft paints
-Door knob
-Access to a drill
-Screws(?) Depending on project

My Dad also helped with this project. Men are so picky about who they let use their precious drills. 
Eh, who am I kidding I freak out when some one moves my stuff on my desk. So fair is fair. 

First start with a plain piece of wood. They have different shapes in Hobby Lobby we picked an oval shape and a rectangle shape. 
I painted Them first with the craft paint. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Read the instructions on the crackle paint. You will need to use both colors together to get a crackle effect. In case you were wondering what the crackle effect looks like just think of an antique painted piece of furniture that some people would sand down and re paint. Some people (Like my mom) have ways to make this by using the crackle paint and make it look old. See that's where me and my parents are different. They like there stuff to look old and antiqued. I guess I am more modern. 

So read the instructions for the crackle paint. In short the color you paint first is the color that is going to show through the "cracks" the color you paint over it is going to be the main color. For these two we did both. One a black board with gray cracks and the other a gray board with black cracks. 
Ok so once you figure out that nonsense you can start painting. Also on the crackle paint it tells you how long to leave the craft paint on! DO NOT LET THE CRACKLE PAINT COMPLETELY DRY.
So you are going to paint a good layer on the board let it set for a few minutes than put a thick coat of the crackle paint over top. Again this is the part where you don't let the crackle paint dry all the way. I believe I only waited a few minutes but its on the bottle...Which is not in my possession so I can not tell you off hand (I know this blog is very weak so far.) Then you will put the other craft paint on. Now you can let it completely dry. As it dries the more it will "Crackle". 
The next part is where you drill a hole in it. If you are smart and read all the directions first it doesn't matter but you can drill the hole first or whenever. Choice is yours. We did it after. 
My mom had my dad put the knobs in with...ok this part is hard because I am not sure on the name of the thingy but I just googled it and the closet thing I could find to it is called a hanger bolt.
The screw that has two ends with no head. 
this thing!
Ok phew I feel better now that I got that out. (I dont think you realize how much that was bothering me...I asked 3 people and they didn't know the name of this!)
Anyways so screw this in and than screw the knob at the top and tada!!!!
 Just add some picture hangers on the back and you can hang it on your wall. 

Ok I know that probably didn't make one bit of sense! and I truly apologize!
A lot happened tonight. We thought we had a leaky faucet so I called my Dad over to supervise the Boyfriend unit...just on the safe side. Well he came over they took apart the faucet couldn't tell what was wrong so they just put it back together and it healed itself. While they were doing that my mom and I headed to the lovely Kmart to get my comforter they had on sale. So I did a lot of running and a lot of type type type stop. Type type type. Stop. If this doesn't make sense I blame the busy Thursday and lack of info.
Any ideas? Send some in the comments or head on over to my Facebook page!

Overall this project was 

See ya Tuesday!