Thursday, January 8, 2015

Linen Closet

Hello Blog world! Wow this week went by fast feels like it was just the other day was Tuesday and I was talking to you...oh wait, it was! Since I decided to do this two times a week this blog might be a little week. I hope that you will still enjoy and know that once I get a schedule down better I will make sure that I am better prepared for the week. This project is one I did a while ago. My Boyfriend and I bought our first house in September. It is such a cute perfect little house and I love it to pieces. Only problem was it doesn't have a lot of storage spaces so I have had to get creative. I will show you eventually all the little things I have had to do but for tonight's post i will show you my "Linen closet". 
Isn't it cute! 
This project was also a very easy one for me. It was just a matter of finding something I could that use. Well again thanks to my Mom. She was going to leave this ugly white cabinet thing behind I thought I would rescue it. This is what it looked like before...
Pretty boring I know. All it took was some spray paint, scrapbook stickers and pretty knobs and I made it better.

The knobs were found at Hobby Lobby...a crafters dream store for those of you who don't know. I can spend hours in that store! They have a whole row of just different kinds of knobs! So I got these and my original idea was to use some sort of wall decal but I couldn't find any that would work for the idea in my head. So going through the scrapbook stickers I found these swirly things and thought they were perfect! and they matched my knobs, win win!

I wouldn't recommend using the stickers if it is something that you are going to touch a lot but for this purpose they will be OK I think. So far they haven't fallen off or anything and I don't see why they would. 
The spray paint however I didn't cheap out on this time. I Didn't save the can because like I said it was a while ago when I did this project. I used a paint and primer spray that was specifically used for plastic. Krylon Fusion is one I recommend for plastic. For this I used two cans but could have used a third for touch ups. 
Using this paint also didn't require any sanding. Of course this was a smooth surface I don't think it would have required sanding anyways. But when a project has less steps in it that makes it a lot easier!
See simple projects can go a long way with a little imagination! Spray paint helps also...Oh and Hobby Lobby!
I will get to go to the magic craft place soon and stock up. I have lots of ideas to share with you! But until next time I hope you enjoyed today's blog. I know it wasn't much but I will make up for it on Tuesday!
Help this blog grow! Share with your friends! Share your ideas! Lets all have a share-a-thon! 
By the way...This project is....

Peace, Love and Hobby Lobby makes me happy!


  1. Is that all one piece? I noticed in the white picture that it's slightly misaligned. Did you have to fix that as well? I think this is a great solution for storage! Looking forward to Tuesday!

    1. It's two separate cabinets that stand on the bottom one. It had another one that stacked on top but it was pretty damaged.

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