Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Happy Tuesday! 
After a 3 days off from work I was able to get some stuff done this weekend. Even took a trip to Michaels and got some supplies.
I got a good deal on some of the canvas that I used so that was a win!

So today's project was something I wanted to do for a while. I saw on Pinterest (Seriously are you surprised?) some one took a blank canvas and Mod Podge a scrap book page on it. How easy does that sound? Well I will tell you.

Supplies used
-Mod Podge
-Scrap Book paper

I actually found the scrap book pages at a yard sale. I think that was the most unexpected find yet. I got a few different pages but I only did one for now. I will post the others later on. 

This project was pretty simple (Are you sensing a pattern yet?) and cheap!
My boyfriends response was "Looks like you bought it like that" Which is music to my ears. When he doesn't get my projects than I know I did something horribly wrong. 

The only thing I would have done differently is maybe get a smaller canvas. Casey ditz: moment ended up getting the same size canvas as the scrap book page. 
So it doesn't over lap like it should. 

Not sure what happened with the Mod Podge but it sort of wrinkled towards the edges. 
But looking at it on the wall I think looks pretty good. 

I know my wall is very blah but I am working on it! Hence the picture!

Like I said I am planning on making a few more but for now just one. 
This was an easy project. These types of pictures are usually pretty pricey. So cheaper is always better in my book!
The canvas usually runs about $7.00-$9.00 Like I said I got the wrong size. This one is 12 X 12. Maybe the next size down. But Michaels had a 2 pack for $4.50. 
The scrap book page was .25 
Mod Podge well if you are a good crafter like me..You already have it. 
Ok so I just bought when I started the blogs. But it is lasting a long time and I used a lot of it so far. 

So now you have a pretty piece of wall art, even if you are art challenge like me...This is... how do I put this?

Now I have to go finish doing the not fun things of my Tuesday...Laundry. 
Seriously any body have any DIY projects that folds your laundry and puts it away? Please let me know! Ha-ha. 

See you Thursday!


  1. That is a very pretty picture and so simple. I was at a store today and you are right, they are pretty pricey. This is way better!

    1. And buying the ones at the store wouldn't be so bad if they had any good ones. Its not always about the cost but if I am going to spend money on it, I want to love it. This way you can pick what you want! Hobby Lobby has countless scrap book pages! the combinations are endless!
