Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dog food container

Happy blog Thursday! 
This is going to be a throw back Thursday type of blog. This is one of those projects I did in the past but it is worth sharing.

I was on the hunt one day for a food container for my animals and found that they were $20.00 for a small one $30.00 for a medium one (yes these are estimated but either way. Too much money!). So of course as I was browsing Pinterest I found that some one took a Tidy Cats litter container and made it into a storage container. Now that was reasonable to me since I have to buy cat litter anyways, why not recycle the container. So after you use up the litter clean out the inside.
The supplies needed for this project:
-Tidy Cats 35 Lb container (I would recommend it being empty first... just a suggestion.)
-Plastic friendly spray paint
-Some decorative duct tape
I recommend removing the handle first. It doesn't paint well...
Spray paint the outside (You can spray paint the inside if not using for food.)
Add your duct tape. 
You are done. 

Here you see the before and after picture:

The decorative duct tape I used wasn't on the roll they actually came in a sheet that I cut to fit the top. 
I left the inside yellow because I figured that was safer. Remember this is where I keep my animals food. 

Of course you don't have to limit yourself with just using these for food containers. 
This was a simple cost effective project. 
 You might run into some problems if you don't have a cat or a purpose for cat litter. 

If that's the case ask a friend that has a cat!
Total cost for me for this project was
Container 12.00 (But remember it comes with litter first...)
Spray paint- 5.47
Duct tape- 1.50 per sheet. 
Not really counting the container as a cost because like I said I just throw those out normally. The project can cost less then 10.00. Which is always a win, and its unique. We must always remember to be unique.

Sorry today's blog was kind of weak but I must admit I am a tad distracted by my new toy. I just purchased one of those LED nail lamps that you use for the gelish nail polish. I am trying it out tonight and so far I like the results. Maybe when I get a better opinion on how long the nail polish lasts I might do a DIY blog on painting your own nails and the benefits of not going to a salon! Let me know what you think in the comments! 
Remember to subscribe to my blog by entering your email at the top of the screen. It will ask you to verify the funny letters, Its ok it is just making sure your not a robot...For my robot friends sorry about your luck. 

So until next Tuesday..

Peace Love and Frugal-ness!

1 comment:

  1. That looks so much better than paying 30 dollars for a clear plastic container! And so much more unique :)
