Thursday, January 1, 2015

Allow me to introduce myself

Hello Blog world. This will be my first ever post...unless you count those Myspace blogs they had way back when. I hope to be entertaining enough to where you will come back wanting more. I have no idea what I am doing so hopefully some kind people will lead me in the right direction. First let me tell you what I would like my Blogs to be about. That way this will give you a chance to turn away. Question, How many of you browse Pinterest? I am on that addicting site constantly! So much to look at, so much to do! So if you are like me and spending hours browsing on Pinterest and you Pin all these DIY (Do it yourself) projects that look oh so easy. Well you are in the process of doing them and you realize you may have bitten of more than you can chew. Yes that includes recipes as well. My goal is to help people that are some what craft challenged like myself to decide what you can and can't tackle. Or for the stubborn people that really believe in that 'if you don't succeed try again', I will at least try to find a round about way to complete the project.
So does that sound good? If not well just give me a chance. The worst case scenario you will laugh at my misfortunes and come back to see what else I can screw up.
Now let me tell you a little about me. I am a very imaginative person, very creative personality. My major flaw is I have close to no patience. I love to write and am hoping to get my book all ready to get critiqued and maybe some day along with these Blogs you will have lovely novels to read. People will ask me why I write my answer can vary between well its my escape from reality or because the voices in my head tell me to do it! My last original craft was my jewelry box (which you will see below). When asked why I made it well, I couldn't find one worth spending my money on so I made my own.

Is it the greatest thing in the world? No. Does it serve its purpose? Yes. I am very proud of it, I will love to show you how I did it to in a future blog. In short its a white storage basket I spray painted brown made some curtains with some fabric, hemmed it by using a flat iron and some hem tape. string and beads. Sometimes when the instructions say use an iron I use my flat iron because well, its a lot easier that way. But this gives you an idea who I am and what my Blog will be about. I am open to ideas so if there is a project you would like me to try out before you give it a go I rate it and give it my stamp of approval. If you see that it is 'Casey Approved' Its easy and go ahead and give it ago. If you see its 'Adult supervision required' Well that means I had to have my mom help me. But it can still be done! If you see that it says DON'T that just means that I failed miserably but it could just be me! I would never discourage anybody for giving it a try! Just take my words as warning that sometimes its not as easy as it looks! And sometimes its ok for it to not look like the picture. Hope you enjoy my Blog I will be posting a new post every Thursday. Assuming this takes off like I would love it to and I get really inspired I would be more than happy to post more! But lets take baby steps!
Peace love and Happy New Year!
My New Years resolution: Blogging. :)


  1. That looks really great! I have been looking at this thinking it was a real jewelry cabinet with a fabric closure. That is how well you did it. Great job Cassa,can't wait to see more!

  2. Ok looks like the comment section is fixed! I will post updates on my Facebook for those who are my Facebook friends but any one else that wants to stay updated, put your email at the top of the screen and it should let you follow me!

  3. Your blog is awesome! So is the jewlery box! Your creativity is pretty awesome .
