Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hand Soap Dispenser.

Blog world! Hey how is it going?! You doing good? I hope so. I have been doing some catch up work on my projects. 
As you know I browse pinterest a lot to get most of my ideas. Well sometimes I have all these saved up projects to try but cant until I get the supplies I need. If you have also noticed I am frugal. Lately more so because I am trying to save up for a better camera. I have been using my phone to take the pictures. I have a camera...its not any better. Anyways every one has saving goals. Some people are trying to buy a new house, get married, get a new car all the I want a camera. I try not to spend a lot on my projects because I want to show you that you don't need a ton of money to achieve your pinterest goals. Like today's project. A hand soap dispenser. I know it sounds really exciting but let me explain. I guess using the plastic disposable hand soap things you buy at the store are "tacky" looking. Who knew. But upon further research I have found that I kind of like the different types that people have made. I have seen mason jars, wine bottles, soda bottles and oil dispensers used as soap dispensers. That was a great idea! Well... naturally you want it to look pretty and some people don't like the plain glass look. Some of these are "hand painted" with really cool designs. If you don't know this about me...I am not an artist. I suck at painting unless its spray paint...then I am ok with it. But "Hand painting" is not my area of expertise. But for the blog I tried. 

First if you are still confused by what the heck I am talking about here is a picture to sum up my words. 

The soap dispenser with the sponge is not my project...That I bought at Walmart. The oil dispenser next to it is the DIY project....

I did try to "Hand paint something on it."

Using some stick on stencils I have I thought it would be smart to have on there what is inside. 

I got the oil dispenser from a friend. I decided that I was going to turn it in a soap dispenser because well... I am not allowed to cook with oil. 

OK I shouldn't say not allowed but I don't trust myself. 
After a bad burn that almost got in my eye I decided to take an oil "break" if you will. 
I still cook with little amounts off oil. Only with adult supervision and a lid for a shield. 

I have seen people etch words on bottles like this but I didn't have that kind of stuff. I had acrylic paint. Before you start yelling at me telling me that this wasn't going to work I realize this. I wanted to see what it would look like and I wanted to see if it would work. Just in case. 

Painting on glass was a little difficult. And I am not a fan of these stencils. This was what it looked like after it dried. I liked the potential and almost started painting more on it. 
But  Casey got thinking. 
Will this even work for hand soap?
I don't have homemade soap like some pinners do. I also didn't want to use it for the dish soap but I know that would have to be diluted so will regular hand soap work?

Well...Kinda. I don't recommend rushing right out and buying one of these oil thingys but if you come across one like I did it does work. Hand soap is a little to thick to go through the top but if you add some water to it, it does ok. 

The only problem is...

The letters washed off. 
I know, I know! I should have known it would. But to be honest...I didn't think it would happen after the first time!
So after wiping that all off and adding the water it works ok. If your kitchen sink doesn't have a high traffic of hand washers this is an ok solution. If you have a bunch of little aliens...I mean kids...maybe reserve this for a bathroom they don't use. 

Now I know I have some men that read my blogs. 
and I know I don't do a bunch of manly projects. 
Well..sorry but...unless it involves beer and duct tape you guys aren't really interested.
I had an opportunity to use one of those two things for this project so I thought I would include it. 

Lol. I saved this bottle because I thought it was cute. (sorry guys) The boyfriend accidentally bought the little bottles instead of the big boy bottles. But if you make the same mistake you can totally reuse one for your soap...Men do use soap right? 
Just kidding just kidding! 
Anyways the little topper thingy fit perfectly in this. And its already got the art! 
If that's not Casey approved I don't know what is!

So the total cost of this for me was nothing! 
The bottle was a gift (I have some awesome people who like to give me things lol)
The beer bottle was not my purchase so to me that's free
The paint that washed off...already had. 
I also already had the soap. 
When you buy the big bottles you save money instead of buying the disposable ones for 1.00. 

So even after the paint fail and soap half fail I still call this project a win because well it forced me to clean my kitchen tonight to take this picture. 

*Update 7/23/15*
This project I now declare a 
It doesn't work well...Looks great but doesn't serve an actual purpose :(

Hope you enjoyed tonight's project. See you next Thursday.
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Help my little blog grow!  


  1. You never know if you don't try, right?

    1. My thoughts exactly. The boyfriend likes the idea of it to. I was so happy to see him use the new soap dispenser instead of using dawn dish soap to wash his hands! LOL
