Thursday, June 4, 2015

More Wall Art

Hello Blog world!
I'd say you are lucky to be reading this tonight because that means I have made up with my computer...For now. 
I have not had the greatest week. I have been trying to accomplish one teeny tiny thing and I realized today that I am going to end up exploding if I think anymore about it! After pacing back and forth near my computer area I realized its not my computers fault and I should not punish it or the world. So here I am! I am sorry tonight's project isn't going to be the best but I included two projects to make up for it! 

One day when I went to a few yard sales with my parents I came across this odd metal thing that you hang on the wall. It was .75 cents and I had a feeling I knew what it was but I already knew what I was going to do with it. I asked my mom and she told me it holds tiny plates. Why any one needs tiny plates I don't know that and it was a square shape so I was confused. My response to that was "Whatever I have a better idea." Its been sitting in my box for awhile now and when I redid my bedroom that was one of the projects I did for it. 

So let me show you what I did before I loose your interest. 

Pretty neat huh? I know its not very impressive. But this is what it looked like before. 


So what I did was spray paint the plate holder thingy (Yes that is the technical term) 
Print out some pretty pictures that go with my Italian theme. 
Cut out some scrapbook paper to go behind the pictures. 
Glued the pictures to the paper stuck it int eh little slots. Tadaa new art.
My original plan was to get some little canvas and put the pictures on that. After not getting around to this project for a while I decided I didn't really want to spend any money on this. 
All I ended up spending was the .75 cents. The rest was stuff I had. 

This blog is to show you what I bought at a yard sale and what I turned it into. Its a one of a kind piece. Is it fancy? Not really. Does it give my room a little pick me up. Most definitely. The Boyfriend even thought it was cool. That's always a plus in my book. If you are more artsy you can always get wood pieces and decorate it that way. Or stick with the canvas idea. I would not use plates because like I said plates are silly. Especially when they are tiny plates.  

Another cool picture idea I was thinking of doing was printing out a picture of the same tree going through all the seasons. 

The possibilities are endless. 

I have been working on some other stuff so don't worry your pretty little heads. 
Have I let you down yet? 

So I promised you two projects. Well the next one I did get off  Pinterest. It was a cool idea. 

Do you ever buy those scented bag things you stick in your dressers or closets? They have some strange scents but for the most part they are OK. They don't last long. Maybe the first day they are really strong but they fade soon after. 

Instead do this.

This was a "try me" size 9.7 oz. 
It was only 4.99 and the little bags were at the dollar tree. 
Speaking of dollar tree...don't annoy the cashiers by asking if everything is a dollar... it truly is. 
If you have trouble finding the little bags they are over by the greeting cards. (Baby shower stuff)
They come in a pack of six. I bought a few of them. I put them in my dresser, my closet, desk, and inside my little cabinet. They are what they say "Unstopables" I have had these little things for about two months. I can still smell them. Its a lite smell nothing to overpowering but pleasant.
I haven't used them as a scent booster in the washer but they smell really good outside so I would imagine they would be great in the washer :D. 
I still have a lot left over in the package too so I wont be running out to get more anytime soon.  

Well I hope you enjoyed my little projects for today. I will be sure to have some good stuff coming next week. 

Today's projects were:

Thanks for stopping by! See you next Thursday. 
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