Thursday, June 11, 2015

Wine Glass Candle Votive

Whats up Blog world?! 
Happy Thursday! The only thing I like about Thursday's is I get to see you guys! Its been a crazy day that's for sure. But here I am ready to share my project with you. 
I recently just had a house warming party and my friend gave me a brand new set of wine glasses. They are much nicer than the ones I had. And now I have a full set instead of just two or three or...well you get the idea. But now I needed something to do for the other ones I had. I could donate them to some one who really needs them. I know how important wine glasses can be for some people. If you have some extra wine glasses around or you want to do this project head down the the dollar tree. They have lots of different kinds. If you are a recovering alcoholic... GOOD FOR YOU...well you don't have to use wine glasses for this project if its to painful to even think about it you can always use the pretty little juice glasses that every one has but forgets to use them when it comes time for juice. 

My point is this project was EASY! So easy I decided to wait until tonight to even do it. Once I got my computer to cooperate with me it took me about five minutes to do. 

Hehehe aren't they cute. The one with the flowers on it looks like its to fat for the "shade" 
That can easily be fixed by re gluing. 

My choices of paper were just random I didn't want to pick styles I would use in my own decor but colors that you could see that it can be used in your decor. 

First I found a template online for "wine glass shade".  You are going to want one that fills the whole page. 

You cut it out than trace on whatever decorative paper (Scrapbook paper) you want.

It will look like this. I tore this one apart so you can see what it looked like. The little white spot is where I glued it together (Glue stick)

Yes the only thing I don't like how I did them...I apparently can't cut a straight line. * sigh * 
The next thing I did was drop some tea lights inside. 

Safety tip Make sure the flame isn't to high you don't want the paper to catch fire. Do not leave candles unsupervised and if all else...Get the tealights that are battery operated.
Normally I prefer those but I have been using real candles for my warmer and had a bunch laying around. 
Here is another tip for ya, If you don't have a long stemmed lighter and you don't want to burn yourself just light the end of an uncooked spaghetti noodle. When that lights than you can lite the tealight. 
Yay life hack! Ha-ha

This project was really simple. You can decorate them however you want. You really want to get fancy you can always paint the bottoms or get pretty charms for the stems. I really like all the different ways to do this. 
These make great gifts! 
The total cost for me was:
 2.00 for the tealights (50 count)
any colored paper (?)
Wine glasses (1.00 at dollar tree) 

Endless possibilities. 

This project was...

Hope you enjoyed todays blog. I will be here every Thursday. So mark it on your calendars...or just like my facebook page 

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