Thursday, July 16, 2015

Door Makeovers!

Hello Friends! I hope to see some new faces here tonight. Just to catch you up a little bit if you are new. I am Casey, I love DIY projects. But sometimes when you try them they don't turn out like the picture...If you know what I mean. Instead of just hiding my failures I post them on this blog. I determine if a project is "Casey Approved" Which means its pretty easy. Or if its a "Don't" If its a don't that just means I couldn't do but someone with more artistic abilities or patience might be able to! So don't get discouraged! Also I am what you call 'frugal' so a lot of the projects I do are because I don't want to pay retail price...if I can do it myself :).

With that being said let me tell you what tonight's project is. My parents moved back closer to my area. They found their perfect home, some what in the woods away from every one. It is mostly updated and just needed some fresh paint to spruce it up. Well almost perfect. It still has those old "trailer doors" for the pantry doors and closets. Ew. To replace them would be outrageous! My mom was doing some research and found door murals. She really liked them and wanted to do that instead of replace them...Want to know how much those door murals cost? 80.00 A PIECE! That's just crazy talk in our book. Especially when she is the wall paper queen of the family. What she did was go to her go to site :EBAY found some pretty wall paper and did it herself. 

I am not a fan of wall paper...but let me tell you what, the transformation of these doors was pretty cool! And a lot cheaper than 80.00 per door. 

Here let me show you...See this is the cool part of my blog where I show you pictures :)

Tadaaa! ok so let me show you some before pictures to really get the whole idea here. 

These were after the door knobs were taken out. If you have these trailer doors you know what kind of knobs they are. All you have to do to get them off is pop the front panel of the knob off then you can get the rest of it off after. 
eventually my mom will replace the knobs to but couldn't find ones that would work. 

After the knobs were off she started painting the inside. 

She had left over paint from when she redid her living room so she just used that up. Make sure you paint the edges to! We want this brown yuck gone!!! 

The next step she did was put the wall paper on the door. 

The other problem with using the door murals I was talking about early was..They don't exactly fit. These doors are more narrow than a regular door. 
Since it was narrow she didn't have to really measure for the wall paper, it was actually wider so she just had to trim it up. 
This is just a closer shot of the wall paper itself. The knob actually doesn't look that bad now with the lighter colors. 
I love this pattern by the way!

Can you believe she only spent about 20.00 on the paper?
Ebay...Seriously...go check it out. 
Amazon isn't bad either especially if you have prime!

She plans on covering the other doors she has with a different kind of wall paper. I will be sure to show you that when she gets it. 

This particular wall paper also doesn't require a paste. You just need to get the paper completely wet before trying to put it up. My mom doesn't like to do this however and used the paste. Which was only 4.00

I suppose if you really just want to get rid of the brown doors you could just paint them...but where is the fun in that! 

I really like how this project turned out, my mom did such a good job. 
Yes usually I do the projects but I was so impressed with how it turned out I had to share! 
Besides I am sure I will be helping with the next set of doors :D 
I can't say if this is Casey approved...But I can tell you this...

Thanks again mom for sharing with all my DIYers! 

Don't worry I did a little tiny project myself. 

Those air wick air fresheners you get at the stores...
Why are they so expensive!?
I love how they work...Just plug them in and bam smells good!
But they don't last as long as I want. At about 6.00 for two I get maybe two weeks out of them. I know 6.00 isn't a lot of money but I would rather spend that 6.00 on a couple cups of coffee instead of an air freshener.
So I found a pin where they recycle the containers (Not sure what the technical term is...)
But these things. The actual difuser is usually only like 1.00. Sometimes you can get these things on sale to. Its the refills that cost so much. So the pin I found was reusing these with essential oils (Again not cheap) I went searching for other ideas. I found some where people use body sprays...I think that would be a little strong. 
The one I tried was the liquid potpourri. I got a big bottle at dollar tree.. 1.00 for a biiig bottle!
33 fl oz

Pretty good deal. 

Although....I don't think it smells as good but if you just have them to freshen up the place than these are perfect. I have no idea how long this bottle will last me but I can guarantee it will be longer than two weeks!
 The refills were easy to refill the top just pops right off and than you can fill it up! Don't fill it all the way up though. 

Cheaper alternative AND a you are not just throwing those things away! Win win in my book. 

Alright Blog world that's all I got for you tonight. Be sure to check out my previous blogs. You never know you might get inspired to do a cool project!

Thanks for all those who stopped by. Be sure to share with a friend! Help my little blog grow!
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I would love to hear feed back! 
Or even if you have ideas. Let me know!

I will see you next Thursday!

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