Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pet Bed


How is every one doing tonight? Me great! Other than feeling a little on the yucky side of things I am still here to give you your DIY project of the week.

Not sure what is wrong with me...I feel like I am loosing my voice...which will be bad since I have to give a maid of honor speech on Saturday! Yikes! hope that figures its self out...

Any who. Before I go into tonight's project I'd like to update something...A few weeks ago I did a post about making an oil dispenser into a hand soap dispenser. I originally gave it the Casey Approved stamp...I was wrong! It is a pain in the butt! You have to sit there for EVER waiting for the soap to come out. I have tried watering down the soap and using different soaps...its not practical. So after this post I will go back and change my mind on the other post. So if you  don't know what I am talking about just go back a few weeks or click HERE and you will find the post I am talking about.

Another thing. You might have seen on my Facebook page I have reached over 100 likes. YA! Thanks guys! Keep them coming! I was so excited to see it go over 100. I know some of you are probably like "whats the big deal?" Well if you were me you would understand! lol.

If you liked my Facebook page than you would know also that I didn't have a very good project day the other day. I attempted two projects and it just didn't work the way I wanted to. AT ALL. First I tried aging some more paper...They ended up getting extra crispy (See my successful aging project click HERE) I don't think they were as wet as my last batch of paper was. So just be careful if you do try to age paper. The other project well...I wanted to print some awesome pictures I took of our recent trip to the aquarium but...the picture came out all blurry and not at all cool so that was a fail. I finally decided to start a project that I have been putting off. I wanted to do a lot more with it than I did but I only have so much time in a day and also with lack of certain resources...makes it a tad difficult. But I think it turned out great. With the help of my papa bear (Dad) I was able to make a *New and improved* Pet bed!

This was an idea off Pinterest of course. Taking those old octagon end tables and turning them into well... typically dog beds but my dog is too big for this and she doesn't like to be in small spaces. 
However...My cats love small places!
This was the before. It really wasn't to bad of a table I guess but I wanted it to be pretty. 

Yes Bruce was still in there...Hehe.

So the first thing I did was take the doors off. 

Sounds easy?
Well I got all but one...ONE LOUSY screw wouldn't come out. It was at an angle or some nonsense. I was worried that I was going to have to kick the stupid door off and ruin the table!

I had to upgrade to a drill which we all know isn't a Casey Approved task...So I made the boyfriend do it. Managed to get the screw out FINALLY and was able to continue the project. 

I spray painted the whole thing. 
I originally had a burgundy color but it looked too red. So brown it was. 
I used my favorite kind of spray paint "Krylon" 

This time however I wasn't as successful with painting as I usually am. 

I have mentioned this before. 
Florida problems = Humidity. 
very difficult to spray paint and have it dry right when its humid out. 
If it wasn't humid during the day after our daily 4 o'clock showers it gets very humid after that. 
Yes everyday we can look forward to lovely thunder showers. 
But its ok because we "need the rain" 
So doing anything outside for me after work is a tad tricky. But I managed. 

Some areas you can see the spray strokes (I guess that's what you would call it?) but this was after a few coats of paint. It looks Ok but not my best paint job. 

Now on the cushion. 

I was going to cheat and just buy a small pet bed to put inside. I am glad my mom talked me out of it. See I do know how to sew but my sewing machine is currently causing me trouble so I try to find loop holes around not sewing. However...coming from a family of upholsters I know at least three people who have sewing machines. My mom volunteered my dad. So she told me to make a template of the octagon and bring it over to the house. 

First I had to get the material. Walmart. Ehhhh. 
I understand that the craft area isn't the busiest but would it kill any one to hang around it to see if customers need help? I had to wait for about 20 minutes..After I told an associate I needed help. Finally got some one to help me, she was very rude....I will get my fabric from Hobby Lobby now. Much better experience with the Fabrics. 
Walmart only has quilting fabrics which was perfect for this kind of project...not so perfect for my dad's super duper machine that normally deals with thick was only a slight challenge for him to make this cushion. Of course my dad got all fancy on me and made welt and everything for it. Which i'll be the first to admit I can't do. It also would have helped if I took my time making the template for him...but I didn't but still turned out amazing!
Here is my papa bear marking the lovely fabric I picked. 

Yay now my dad is famous!

If you don't have an awesome upholstering dad like mine you can just use a regular pillow like I was going to. 

Bruce investigating. 
He hasn't laid in it yet, I think it smells to painty still. 
Gracie my other cat (Yes I have two) will probably sleep on top of it after its been in the house for at least 3 months and she learns that it in fact will not kill her. 
She is the very definition of a scardy cat. 

By the way I forgot to tell you where I got the octagon table thingy. 
My mom actually saw this project first (see its not just me!) And she wanted to make it for her dogs. So we went on a hunt looking for these things and the first thrift store we went had TWO! Having two dogs she thought this would be perfect. Except one dog couldn't figure out what the heck was going on and the other one...well he is partially blind and couldn't find it. She decided to see if I could do anything with it. This is what I came up with! 
It matches my that's a win. It was easy to do...just as long as you don't have to deal with too many climate issues. 

Well that's it for tonight. This project was 
Hope you enjoyed this pet friendly project. If you liked it share it with a friend!
If you want to see what I am up to in between blogs go check out my facebook page
Make sure to Like the page if you haven't 
:) Help my little blog grow!
I also want to see comments! tell me what you think. Tell me what I should have done. Do you have any ideas for a future project? SHARE! 
Thanks guys! See you next time!

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