Thursday, March 12, 2015

DIY Mini Bird Bath

Hello Blog World!

Today's post is about a project my friend asked me to do for her. It turned out to be her birthday present but either way she was thrilled. It was simple and I plan on doing one for myself. I am already going to warn you now though that I don't have a lot of pictures of this project because ITS SO EASY. That and I got delete happy on my camera. Ha-Ha. Any who. So Back to the project, my friend saw this somewhere and I thought it was a great idea. Its warming up in some states, here in Florida its hot. The birds were already here but they will be heading back up north soon, No I am not referring to the snow birds just the regular birds. So instead of buying an expensive plan bird bath for them why don't you make you own...

Here is my Que.

See how cute this is? Its so simple. You can also customize to anything you want! Different sizes, different colors or if you are artistically gifted you could paint pretty pictures on it. I also want to try different stacking techniques. To do this one though the supplies I used:
-Clay pots
-Spray paint
-E600 glue

I don't think it matters what kind of spray paint you use. The bowl thing doesn't matter either. I have seen some people use the clay plates that you use underneath the pots. But I found the pretty clear bowl at Dollar General. I also it would have been safer for the birds, If I used the plate I would have wanted to paint it and I don't know if that would hurt the birds. 

I don't know what other glues you can use but I heard this was the best so I used it. I recommend letting it dry for at least 24 hours before putting it outside. 

I glued the bottoms of the pots and stacked them. 

After I stacked them I spray painted them. This way if any glue shows between the pots the paint will cover it. I painted the inside of the flower pots as well. 

There you have it a mini bird bath. 

The only thing I didn't like was I am still unsure about the bowl I used because it might be a little deep. 

If you use a bowl that size I don't recommend filling it all the way. 

If I make others I will post on my facebook page so you can see it. 
Speaking of Facebook make sure you like the page so you can get additional updates. 

My neighbor saw me painting the pots and actually gave me a little magazine showing different ideas that you can use with flower pots. With the gardening season upon us I hope to show you some more ideas. 
This project was:

If you have any ideas for me let me know!
Tell me what you think I would love some feed back. 
Share my blog to help it grow. 

See you next week!

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