Thursday, March 5, 2015

DIY Tray

Blog time its blog time!

I'd like to think I picked Thursday to do the blogs to make me happier that tomorrow is Friday. But honestly I don't think I was thinking that way. 
Any who, This weeks post is about my transformation of my serving tray. Why did I transform my serving tray you ask? Well, its almost spring, or if you live in Florida like I do its almost summer :). I am sorry to my northern friends I know how much the snow sucks...But back to the summer thing. You know what summer means? Eating outside. Unless you want to take 20 trips in and out of your house to get all the items you need to be able to eat out side, the most efficient way is a serving tray. So I of course looked and looked, found a few but I was just too cheap to spend the $15.00 or whatever it was. After a while honestly I forgot about the tray. Until my parents were getting ready to move. My mom had this unique dish set, the plastic kind. Really popular in Florida, as is the print on it. Flamingos. Lots of pink flamingos. Not really my style. My mom of course was getting rid of it when I snatched it up. Her words were something along the line "What are you going to do with that?" I hear that a lot lately. 

Well This is what I am going to do with it....

Now I know what you are thinking. Could it have been that bad? No, if flamingos are your sort of thing. But corny quotes is more me. 

These are the supplies used:

     -Krylon fusion spray paint

See...those flamingos are just...not me :D.

So this one is pretty easy. It doesn't look as nice as I wanted it to but the elements keep getting in my way. Spray painting out doors. Smart, Yes. Easy, No.

All you do is make sure the surface is clean. Make sure the area you are spray painting in is also clean. (My bad...) Spray paint the tray. (Remember the spray paints that are specifically for plastic work the best.)
Once its dry apply decal which you can get at the dollar tree. Walmart actually has some to for .96 cents. These peel off easily and don't harm the paint. Just in case you made a mistake like I did and need to take it off, It can be done. 

I might spray some sealer on it just to sort of keep everything in place and maybe not scratch the paint so bad when I go to use it. 

It bubbled in a few spots and after I tried fixing it I ended up making it more of a mess. I think I need to get a work table instead of using a plastic sheet on the ground. But that's another story. 

This project cost me about $6.00 to do. Not bad. Am I in love with it? Not really. I am a lot happier with it than I was with the flamingos. Even the boyfriend said "I like red trays better than flamingos." Which if I get this kind of response it usually means its a job well done. 

Maybe I should make a stamp of approval saying "Boyfriend approved." Ha-Ha!

With that being said this project was for the most part:

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Lets see if we can get to 100 likes by the end of the month!

Hope to see more of you next week! If you have any ideas or suggestions please share in the comments! I love hearing feed back. :D


  1. I think this is great! I would definitely recommend sealing it with something if only to make sure the decals don't peal off. Great project!!!

    1. I did end up spraying it with sealer. Not sure if it will work though. We shall see :)
