Thursday, March 26, 2015

DIY Wine Bottle Craft

Hello Blog world! 
So what do you do with your wine bottles once you are done with the wine? Throw them out? Maybe recycle them? How about make gifts out of them?
Well I did't make a gift out of mine but I did use it to show you what you could do with it. 

I really wanted to try to "cut" the wine bottle. With some supervision but after talking it over with my mom we decided not to attempt it. 
I am not saying * You * shouldn't try it. I am just very clumsy and I am just finally starting to heal after a horrible cooking accident. Lets just say I am not allowed to cook with oil anymore. The cutting of the bottle involved: Fire, nail polish remover and ice. Now anything with fire...not a good idea for Casey to attempt. So I hope you don't mind my very easy and safe wine bottle.
So back to my project.

This is a good project for any left over scraps of paper you have. I really like this scrap book paper with the vintage looking ads on it. I thought it worked really well with this project. 

This was really simple. 

Wine bottle
Mod podge
Scrap book paper

First you drink the wine. If you don't drink wine, I am sure you have a friend that does. Every one has at least one wino they know! 
If you are the wino please craft responsibly :P

Wash out the wine bottle and peel off all the labels. I knew I was going to cover this bottle I wasn't to worried about getting the label off completely. If your project requires to get the label off completely I would recommend using Goo Be Gone. If you don't have any, go on pinterest. I can guarantee you will find a home remedy for that. 

I did a little at a time and just cut scraps and Mod Podge them on. One I covered the whole bottle I put a layer of Mod Podge over the pictures. 

This just in:
I am adding this after I published so we shall see if this works. 
I did overlap some of the pictures. Which the whole collage thing always bugged me by the way. I used the bigger pictures around the base before the bottle curved up to the neck. I used smaller picture around the neck to prevent wrinkles. 

I didn't take pictures during the application process. I am not the cleanest crafter by the end of it I have more Mod Podge on my hands than I care to admit. So instead of ruining my camera just use your imagination!

 Its taking me an hour to get these pictures on here. Sometimes I feel like a computer genius other days I don't. 

But any ways you get the idea! 
I think it looks pretty cool. Its a nice decorative piece. And you can customize it to whatever pictures you have or want. I just had these scraps so I used them. 

Its a cheap project and its "green" 

I hope to have a better project for you coming up soon. I just have been busy lately. 
I have a niece coming soon and I was working on her present. 
I am also working on two different books. 
AND helping my brother get his business on the web. Keep a look out for that ;P

Can't wait to show you what else I am working on. You will always know that with every little project I do have a big project up my sleeve muhahaha. 

So this project was:

Total cost was... well I think nothing since I had all the stuff already. If you want to count the cost of the wine bottle than that's your choice. I choose free :)

I will see you next week. I would like to see 100 likes soon! So if you haven't go to my facebook page and click like.

If you have any ideas for me post them in the comments. 

Share with a friend! Help my little blog grow!

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