Thursday, April 2, 2015

DIY Painting

Hello Blog world! 
How is every one tonight?
Me? Well its Thursday so I am happy! Because its blog day! And that means I get to share my new wisdom, because that's what these projects are to me. Learning experiences. Like this new one. First let me start by saying I am Not  an artist! I repeat I am not an artist!!!!
With that said I did find a technique that allows me to fake being an artist. Let me share how!

I love Coffee. Most of the women in my family do. So my kitchen is decorated with coffee cups and such. My dream is to some day open my own coffee shop which was the inspiration for this "painting". The broom stick is suppose to be a spoon. Practical Magic is one of mine, my moms and my sisters favorite movies. The coffee shop would be something we would all have a hand in. Power of Three! Not to bore you with those details I just want you to understand why there is a broomstick in my coffee cup.

Anyways, how I came across this idea was I was actually looking for something else for another project I am doing and I stumbled across this blog about a woman who does these kind of pictures all the time. Her way of doing things was a little more complicated than the way I did it. It involved projectors and such. Do people besides teachers really have projectors laying around?

The supplies needed for this project:
Paint Brushes
A picture

What I did first was get a picture of a coffee cup and a broom. Used a little photo shop magic and ended up with this picture. 

Notice its backwards. This is important...well only if you have words mostly. I was going to have words on my picture but I lost my courage and just decided to be safe. 

The next step is you take your pencil and outline everything you want on your canvas. Do it on a hard surface and make your lines some what thick. Once you get everything outlined place the picture face down and trace the back.

Keep checking to make sure you are leaving marks on the canvas. The lines will be light (If you use a mechanical pencil like I did...Not sure if you use a regular pencil..)
Once you have the picture completely transferred it should look something like this

I went over it with a permanent marker because again I am not an artist I do not paint. I need good guidelines! I do not recommend using Marker if you are going to use light colors for your painting. I knew I was using dark colors so I knew I would cover up the marker. 

As you can probably tell my lines are shaky and it kind of looks like a kid drew this. But that's just to show you how much of an artist I am not :D

So now you just fill it in. 

I really had big plans of putting the name of my future coffee shop on it but when my friend asked me "How mad would you get if you screwed up?" Well pretty mad. So I tried it and it didn't work so I painted over it. You will never see my ugly handwriting for as long as I can help it!

What I recommend, If you are not an artist like me use a simple picture. Or a simple saying. You can use words just print them out first. 
Don't rush. I was very proud of myself I took my time and this didn't turn out half bad. Is it going on a wall in a famous museum any time soon? No. But does any one have this picture hanging in their kitchens? Nope!

I guess I should have signed it? For now this signature will work. 

The cost of this project if I didn't have the supplies already would be
Canvas- 5.00 
Paint- .50 each
Paint Brushes- 1.00

I hope you enjoyed this weeks project. If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments. I would love to hear feed back!

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If you love seeing my blogs share them with a friend. Help my little blog grow! I love doing these projects I hope you love seeing them. I also hope you are trying some of these as well! Let me know what you are working on :D