Thursday, April 9, 2015

DIY Fancy Knife Block

Happy Blog day! How are you doing tonight blog world? Me well frustrated with technology but what else is new!? 

You probably read today's title and asked "Fancy Knife Block? Tell me how!" Well I will do just that. 
Of course I got this idea on pinterest. Its ok I have already admited that I have a problem and was able to just move on and accept it. Back to the idea. Some one just painted a knife block and put a monogram sticker on it and it made if fancy. Well my knife block isn't monogram fancy its Casey's coffee obsession fancy. 

Now my camera was dead when I did this project and I used my cell phone. Sorry the pictures are...well actually they will be about the same. Ha-Ha. 

See what I mean, Fancy. As you can probably tell my knife block is a little well yucky looking anyways. Its seperating in spots and the knives are actually really dull and cheap. But it works so no sense in replacing what isn't truly broken. But this gave me a perfect excuse to paint it. That way if my boyfriend didn't like it I would have made him me buy a new one. But this actually turned out really cool. 

It was so easy! If you don't have a knife block and don't want to buy a brand new one just to paint it go to the thrift store. I can almost guarantee you will find at least five! 

Supplies needed:
-Knife block
-Paint (I used spray paint...don't act so surprised)
-Picture (Or decal/ sticker)
-Mod Podge

First remove all the knives. If you require an adult to do so...well stop reading my blogs I am not a good role model... 
I am sure I shouldn't have to tell you this but we are the type of society where we have to be told that the Dunkin Donuts coffee we received "May be hot". So to be on the safe side I will include that step. That and I realize that sometimes I am not specific enough in my directions. 
After you removed knives set them in a safe place. Preferable some place the cats wont knock them down..Thanks to my cat I had to wash some of them because he thought they were toys for him to play with. 
Make sure the knife block is clean. Painting over dirt is wrong. Don't do it. 
Since I used spray paint I made sure I went outside to paint it. Using a plastic cover on the ground to make sure I didn't paint the grass. I sprayed an even layer on the block. 
Wait for it to dry. 
While I was waiting for my block to dry I chatted with my nice neighbor lady who decided to give me a plant. I didn't have the heart to tell her I am a recovering plant killer. 
What you do while your block is painting is your own choice. What I should have been doing was making my computer work better for the next step. 
Which is printing out a picture. This could be skipped if you decided to use a picture you already have or using a sticker or decal. Or if you are on the artistic side just paint the picture.

Once I got my picture I checked on my block and once it was dried I brought in the house. I didn't wait long...I would recommend giving it a while to dry. If you need a specific time frame lets just say 24 hours to be on the safe side. 
I cut the picture out and Mod Podged it to the block. Now the size may vary depending on the size of your block. The picture I used was "wallet" sized and that fit perfectly. 
Now while Mod Podge...Podged...Podging? Whats the right term here? Any ways the picture will bubble up in some areas. Smooth out the best you can. 
Most of them dry out anyways. Another tip I have heard was to poke a hole in with a needle. Air will escape. No more bubbles. 

Then there you have it. A fancy knife block to fit whatever theme your kitchen is. 

This project was 

Total cost was nothing since I used what I had. But if you are starting fresh:
Spray paint: 1.00 at Walmart. 
If its a wood block you don't have to get fancy on the paint. 
Craft paint would have worked to. 
Knife block...I honestly have no idea. 
Picture: Free
Mod Podge: 1.00 at the Dollar Tree. 

There you have it a nice way to spruce up a boring knife block. 

I can't wait to show you what I have been working on. But for this project I decided to go with regular paint instead of spray paint...Its taking forever!!!!! Its going to look very cool once its finally done. And it might be up for sale. Keep an eye out for that!

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I will be here every Thursday. If you have any ideas for me please share! 

Until next time bloggers!
Craft On!!!!

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