Thursday, April 23, 2015

DIY Glowing Rocks

Happy Blog Day!
How is everyone doing? Good? Good! Lets get started. 

So on Pinterest I saw a cool idea where you paint rocks with glow in the dark paint. 

What I wanted to do was line my walk way with glowing rocks. Cool idea right? 

Well I decided to listen to the voice of reason. We shall call him Mike for arguments sake. He told me to just buy the cheap little bag of rocks and see how it works. 

I am glad I did. 

So this is all I used. Just plain rocks for 97. cents at Walmart 
And Krylon Glow spray paint 4.97

Using a tote I sprayed the rocks. 

Outside of course...This picture was actually taken in a dark room. But don't let me get ahead of myself.
I made sure to put a heavy coat on and the good news it the rocks didn't loose the original color. 

I thought it would make the rocks look green but it didn't. 

After I painted them I set them under a light to "charge them up" 
Once I went into a dark room it worked. They glowed! Thought it was a success.
Put them outside...Its not a success.. 
Its not dark enough for them to actually glow. 

So if you live in a very very dark place with no street lights of any kind. Then this is a great project. 
Its easy and cheap (ish) 

I was disappointed because I really wanted to line my fairy garden with glowing rocks. But they just look like rocks. Which isn't a bad thing.

I had to use the flash or it would be a black picture. Which I did try to take a picture without so you can see it glow...but it is not that strong of a glow. 

I like this spray paint though. Some good ideas for it would be 
maybe painting the light switch, so when the lights are out you are not fumbling for the light. Or repainting those little glow in the dark stars that you stick on your kids ceiling. 

Ok I am out. 
This paint needs COMPLETE darkness.  

So for the most part I would call this a 

Only because the glow spray paint is a little pricey for the tiny can. 
But just because its a don't for me doesn't mean its a don't for you. 

I am just glad I didn't buy all the rocks I actually wanted to buy. 

So I have told you about this project I have been working on with my brother. Well I decided since I keep talking about it I should show you the starts of what I am working on. 

This is one of the before pictures. 

I don't want to show you any other pictures because this is going to look amazing! Can you believe my brother was going to throw this away?! 

Wait until you see the finished product. 

Hope you enjoyed tonight's project. Sorry it was a fail. But this is blog is called DIY or Don't :D
If you like what you see come visit me every Thursday. 
If you want more updates check out my Facebook page. 

Remember to the like the page while you are there. 

Help my little blog grow. It needs lots of water and love :D

1 comment:

  1. Hm, I am surprised the rocks didn't work. Maybe if you did something bigger? Like maybe did one of the bowling ball projects with glow in the dark paint?
