Thursday, April 16, 2015

DIY Shampoo Bottle Makeover

Hello Blog world! How is every one? I am doing wonderful. I am covered in all sorts of paint but hey its a good color on me. 

I have been working on a project with my brother and its taking me a while to finish because well it doesn't involve spray paint so its taking longer. I hope you understand. But I didn't fail you. Tonight's project well...It is only a partial failure. This is a good example that spray paint is very particular about what it decides to stick to. 

Let me share my end result. 

I had another color in mind but I thought that a metallic look would look "classier" but the metallic paint I have isn't plastic specific. Yes this makes a difference. When it isn't plastic specific then when you spray it on it runs. I didn't have that problem before so I am assuming that's why. Even though it says it bonds to plastic...well it does just not very well.

Wondering what this is? If you read the subject line you would already know its a shampoo bottle. 
Why did I spray paint a shampoo bottle? Well I liked these bottles, the size and the pump thing. But sometimes I don't always use the same brand all the time but now I can get any brand and use my pretty bottle. 

So that's all it was.  Just a plain old shampoo bottle. Bought the shampoo for $5.00 at Walmart 
Spray Paint 4.97

I am going to try it with a different kind of paint to see if it works better. I used the Rustoleum metallic. When I used the same paint on my bowling ball it had the same running problem. 
I thought it was just because it was a round object but I am now sensing that it has something to do with the effect on the plastic. 

This project is pretty self explanatory just spray painting a bottle. 
I cleaned out the bottle and the outside of the bottle. Its up to you if you want to paint the top pump or not. I chose to. I am not sure how it will work out in the water I will let you know if you just ask. 

I will post on my Facebook page if I do another one with a different paint and let you know the difference. 
Speaking of Facebook page if you haven't stopped by and liked the page...well what have you been doing?! Go say hi let me kn ow what you are working on if anything. Share your thoughts and ideas. 

I hope you don't think I am getting to cheap on you guys. Its almost vacation time and I am trying to save up some money. Also its all about being frugal in my world. Doing the two projects also makes it difficult to go all out on one project. I have lots of ideas for you guys and I also love hearing some of the ideas you have. I promise I will attempt some of them but I have to come across the right stuff. That's one of the problems with coming up with all these ideas, its finding everything to make it work! 

This project was 
...Just wasn't happy how it turned out. Not giving up though!

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See ya next week!

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